This is War - Inspiration

So, with starting up my first story I figure if anyone is interested in where I get my inspiration I might as well show them! As of right now I have four chapters written!

Onto my inspiration!! So obviously the song itself inspired me. Whenever I listened to it I couldn't help but think it would be used in a trailer for a dramatic movie XD Since I had this trailer playing in my head I figured I might as well write!

So, I just started writing with that song on repeat. I decided I wanted more inspiration and found it in my two favorite performances of this song.

here is a link to the first one

I love this performance because of the raw emotion that they all have. It's so perfect and the first time I saw it I can honestly say I teared up (more like actually cried ^^')

The other reason I love this one is Joon's face right before he is "shot" He is so emotionally involved in this song that he braces himself for the shot! Lee Joon <3 'nuff said

The second is here

I love everything in this one as well! My personal favorites are the beginning when they have the guns and when Joon gets shot (as ususal, I love those parts XD)

I'm fairly certain that this time they actually shot Joonie with something, and I'm not crazy. My parents have tried to convince me that something explodes from his vest to give the appearance of being shot. But if you watch carefully you notice that the smoke or powder type stuff doesn't fly away from him, like it would if it had been rigged in his vest, but instead flies towards him. Also, if you pause it right before he falls where the trail led to there is a hole in his vest. So, either they have amazing special effects of they shot him with like a bb gun.

Anyway onto the other inspirations! I actually had issues picturing Joon and Mir in such an angst filled situation. So I found pictures!! I now give you the pictures that inspire me in writing this story!

Joon Pictures:

lee joon Pictures, Images and Photos


Photobucket Photobucket

Mir Pictures:

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket


And that's my inspiration for my story This is War! ^^


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