miss this so much


*All our time we give to you, for you to decide
All our love we give to you, for you to keep
Since the day we laid eyes on you, we were determined
No matter how difficult the journey, we will be with you
It’s in the stars, our destiny is to protect you
We will protect you. We’ll never let you get hurt and so that you only have happiness
Because you taught us to understand love
We will do anything for your love

**Only five, forever five
That no one can replace
Because we have you, we are not alone
Only five, forever five
We’ll never be apart
Nothing can end our love for you*

Tong Vfang Xien Qui, I love you
I love you, I love you,
I love you, I love you, I love you


Please don’t forget
Your stars are right here
All the red balloons
Means that we’re supporting you (my love~)


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okay i miss this too.
i'm dying while listening to this song