{ ⌛ } | hourglass application

h o u r g l a s s

the most anticipated domination of the year .


{ ♥ } | ze  true  earthling ;



  profile link: (hyperlink please)  


{ ♥ } | ze  lady;


  name: (preferably korean)

  nickname(s): (optional)  

  date of birth: (mm/dd/yy)  

  age: (16-23)  

  place of birth: 


  ethnicity: (preferably full korean or half  korean)  

  languages spoken: (state the fluency. maximum of 5)  



{ ♥ } | ze  flashback;


  personality: (the more details,the better chance you have. 1+ paragraphs. make it realistic,creative and unique )

  background: (tell me about yer character's life before debuting as a member of  hourglass. tell me about yer childhood and so on. 1+ paragraphs.)

  likes: (5+)

  dislikes: (5+)

  habits: (3+)

  hobbies: (3+)

  trivia: (5+)


{ ♥ } | ze  beautiful  feisu;



  ulzzang name: (ulzzang park sora is taken.)

  picture links: (5+ HQ Links. me no likey www.htkasbajblsjbda..... don't do it like that! hyperlink it!)

  back-up ulzzang name: 

  picture links: (4+ HQ Links. me no likey www.htkasbajblsjbda..... don't do it like that! hyperlink it!)

  height: (in cm)

  weight: (in kg)

  style: (description or links. yer choice.)


{ ♥ } | ze  relationships;


  family members: (name | age | occupation | personality | relationship with each other. i allow idol siblings. make it reasonable. also,byun baekhyun is taken as a family member)

  best friend: (only one. choose from the list. format: name | age | occupation | personality | relationship with each other.)

  friends: (2+)

  rival(s)/enemy: (choose from the list)

  reason of rivalry: 


{ ♥ } | ze  love lifeu;


  love interest: (choose from the master list. kris wu fan is taken)

  how did you met: 

  personality: (2+)

  how do you act around each other: (how? how? how? flirty? awkward? what?)


  back-up love interest:

  how did you met: 

  personality: (2+)

  how do you act around each other: (how? how? how? flirty? awkward? what?)


  any ex? (optional.)

  reason of break-up: 

  how do you act around each other: (how? how? how? flirty? awkward? what?)


{ ♥ } | ze  fame;


  stage name: (optional.)

  how did you get in: (scouted? auditioned? or what?)

  trainee life: (yer life before yer debut. include training years too)

  position: (choose 3)

[ ] main vocalist,lead dancer

[ ] vocalist,dancer

[ ] visual,vocalist,main rapper (taken)

[ ] main vocalist

[ ] vocalist,lead rapper

[ ] lead vocalist,dancer

[ ] main dancer,vocalist

[ ] dancer,rapper

[ ] jack of all trades

*i'll choose the leader & maknae by age or personality for the leader position.

  stage persona: (be creative)

  fan club name: 

  fan club color: (include ze color code also)

{ ♥ } | ze end is here;


  suggestions: (any suggestions for the group's fanclub name? song? or what ever?)







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