Photo for sorrowlicher! ^^ & some other answers~


A picture of my ear ok. xD

But yeah, it's small but you can see it in the middle, the little silver ball. (It's a bar & its long at the back xD) I can't change it until it heals more though.

After it's healed I think I'm going to get seconds done on my ear lobes. ^^

It looks like my left ear but it's not it's my phone must have switched the picture around idk. *mind boggled*



You were almost first! xD Aw, well it doesn't hurt anymore so it's okay so that means it's already getting better. ^^ I don't want to creep you out but talking of it too much~ I know how it feels. >.< ♥



Oh, yes both Tao and Kris have five all together don't they? I think I read that somewhere...o.o I think it'll look good! 

♥。(⌒∇⌒。) If your parents say it's okay then you should go get some. But perhaps not all at the same time. xD

My mum is strange, when I said that I wanted one whilst we were shopping she stopped and said "Ok! Let's go find a place where they do piercings! :D" and I was like "Wait...what?!"

I want more too~ I want one at the top on my left ear ohoho but I get really scared to get them. TT_TT




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Lol :D niceeeee that's pretty^^
YES! Me too... I'm a little freaked out about it too. xD
But I think two at the lobe would be good at first. Two in each ear, and then one at my top right ear. :)))
It could be so awesome.. :o Maybe I should wish for money or a gift card for my birthday. xD