I really just want to cry...

I got my state ID made today and because my Alabama one was a permit they wouldn't give it back because it said Drivers License. Dumb if you're going to work at a DMV learn what the restrictions on a license mean. One letter for glasses, one for permit!!!!

I wanted to cry because that's one of the few things I had left from Alabama. I get home thinking on the bright side I get packages today....




I have a slip that says they missed me and could either re deliver or me pick it up. Neither are possible this week it seems so my autographed album and cheering towel are probably going to be returned to sender.


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That's awful. I don't know how it is the things with licenses and everything like that in USA 'coz I'm from Europe, but sounds crappy
Aw are you kidding me? That's horrible! I'd feel like crying too, if that happened.
thats :(