☣ Breaking Point Application ☣



Username:  kpoplove95
Profile Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/73698

Who are you?

Character name:  Kim Dae Mi
Nicknames: Dae Mi,Fox Princess, Doll,North Pole girl, Day, Freeze Day,Cold Devil
Eris's nickname for you:  Foxie,Robot
D.O.B:  9 February
Age:  17
Height:  168cm
Weight:  50kg
Ethnicity:  Korean

Is you cute

Ulzzang name: Ryu Hye Ju






Back up ulzzang name:  Lee Da Som

Extra:  Scar that look like a fox behind her right shoulder and three piercing on her left ear


Why the hell should I accept you and waste my time training you?



I hate it when people always make their first impression of me as a perfect  girl or daughter because of my look,wealth and my incridible IQ.I am not show off but I cant denied that I have good looks,very rich family and an IQ of frankestein.Because of all this they always think that i am a spoilt brats.Please im far from that.Only people that already know me,know the real me.

I am a girl that have no emotion,I hate my parent and im not even enjoy the attention people give me BECAUSE i know its all FAKE.They just act like they adore me because of my wealth.So, I feel better to be by myself and im not the type who talk much.Because of this things too they call me doll.Despite my outer appearance,they saw nothing inside me its empty like an empty bottle.

I also doesnt like to smile or even open my mouth.People surrounds me always say that I have a very dangerous,scary and cold aura.Thats why they call me Fox princess.I seem cute but actually very dangerous like a fox and also because of my fox-like-scar.

People think because i dont talk unless its necessary they can bad talk about me..But its surely wrong.What do they think of me??a wall??doesnt care about its surrounding??.When I hear someone gossiping or talk bad about me i will give them my words that hurt like hell.Yeah im the type who fight using words first but when they start to pissed me,then they will get a  greatest present from me.Owh forgot to tell you that I master in every kind of martial arts.

I dont like to interfere other people life so dont interfere my life.I also hate it when people think im weak or look down on me.Even Im cold i have my own ego.You make me look like and i will make you look like a too or even greater.Owh forgot to tell you I have power that will kill you in a second.

Even i look pasive but when im angry you will face the devil side of me.Yeah im also a badass on the inside.But this rarely happen because i already master in controlling my patience and emotion.I advice you dont broke my patience because the last time I broke my patience,the boy still coma in the hospital until now.So dont mess with me.I also have a bat-like-ear and very alert to my surounding.

People say i dont have feeling??.No i still have feeling just i dont show it.I only show it to my boyfriend,Jung Daehyun,my bestfriend,Moon Jong Up,Ahn Jaehyo and Lee Min Hyuk and also my twin,Kim Nam Joo.I WARNED YOU DONT TOUCH THEM BECAUSE IF YOU TOUCH THEM YOU WILL NOT SEE SUNSHINE TOMORROW.

What camp are you from:  1


Its all begin when my parent told me to become a perfect  daughter.Thats when im innocent little girl.I follow everything they told me.I learn and train every night without whining or sigh just to impress them.So i become perfect from education and music to martial arts.But I really cant master in self defence arts that involve with weapon like sword,bow or even blade.I only can do acupunture.I treat sick people.But to cover my weakness i learn to defense myself using the needle.I learn to throw it accurately at any place i want.So when i want someone injured or death I just throw it at the body parts that will cause the injury like I learn in acupunture but I use it in different way.Acupunture is a education about medical but i make it opposite way that is to injured someone.So i become perfect in this.But my parents never appreciate my effort.

Until one day I saw my  twins being beaten by father.I stop him and ask him why he hit her.He just left me without answering.I ask my twins what happen and she said she want to stop something.I ask her what she want to stop??.Then she bring me to the basement .I rarely go there because it has a very bad smell from it.When I open the door,I saw many people being tied in the room.That when I know all of my father dirty work.I forgot to tell you my father is a scientist.He incharge to make a antidote for the new virus that spread mysteriously.I always adore him because of his work to make something good to human for the future even he treat me harshly.Now,I regret it.

Because he actually already kill many people.He injected them with the antidote that he doesnt even test it to the rat.The victim just die like that.I want to stop this dirty thing so i released all of the victim.When my father know about it,he become furious.He beated me.My twins push him and he try to beat her using a stick that burn from the fireplace.I want to stop him and the stick hit me.My shoulder is on fire.I ran to the bathroom and watering it.It left a scar on me that look like a fox.When i get back to the room i saw my twins shivering because he already kill our father to save me.She feel scared.I comfort her.

A month later,I already become the owner of all of my father work and wealth.My twins always with me.That time I already know daehyun,jong up,jaehyo and minhyuk.I know Dae Hyun because he is the the heir of my father partnership.We become easily close because of our similarity.While,jong up is my long lost bestfriend that I found a few days after my fathers death and jaehyo and minhyuk is my friend that help me in my business.

When one day I walking to buy grocery,there is this ‘’things’’ try to kill me.That when i start to know the real world.Before this, I always in my room practise and training thats make me dont know the real world.Its become very bad.I search everything to change this because I want to change people thought about the selfish upperclassmen.And I found this camp.I told my twin and bestfriend and now we arrive at this camp with the new me and new motto.



being alone


green things that will help me to be at ease



being with her friends and twin

people who is different like her [different in the outside and inside]



busybody people



people who look down at her

people who force her to smile

flowers [because she allergic with it]



 cant stay still when she worry

cant  fight using weapon

when  smile has a dimple on both side of her cheeks

Weaknesses and Strengths

If you were to be eaten by a monster, how much will be in your pants?: 5
How well do you work under pressure: 4
Do you have knowledge in fighting or with weapons and which ones: master in manykind of martial arts such wushu,hapkido,taekwando and etc.Also good in acupunture.Cant fight using weapon and not good in controlling her weapon.
Ultimate weakness:  sea
Brain power: 10
Temper level:  8
What role would you play in the group:  The Mastermind
How affected are you by death:        7
How well do you get along with others? Are you more of a lone wolf?:  Doesnt easily get along with people  but not a lone wolf.
How well do you get along with Eris?:  I always has a five metre radius when I meet her.
I'm a when it comes to training, how likely are you to walk out?: Not even one cause I have self optimism when it comes to studying
If I were to rub myself in vaseline and pretend to be a slug, would you join me: ONLY WHEN IT IS VERY NECESSARY

Your family that will probably die lol

Family members:

Kim Dae Jo ; father ; No (he is abusive father)

Lee Min Hae ; mother ; Yes

Kim Nam Joo ; twin ; Yes
Best friend:

Jung Dae Hyun : become close after my father die.A friend who is also my boyfriend.We always seen together.wherever we go were always together.We usually interact using eyes.

Moon Jong Up : already know since childhood but seperate because his father move work place.Then meet him again.We really close and if we seen sleep together its normal.That is how close we are.He always make a joke everytime we interact but it still depend on the situation

Ahn Jae Hyo ; its like brother sister reation.He always take care of me more the himself.He always interact with me by using his sense of touch like when he encouraging me,he will squeeze lightly my hand,But sometime he can be ert

Jung Dae Hyun : Many people around  call me and Daehyun “The Death Couple”  because our glaring is so scary and he have the cold the cold aura same like me.He like to wear mask,But actually when he with his close friend or me,his attitude is very difference.He actually a cheerful and lovable guy.

I think i dont have others choices sorry..

Other things that i need help with lol

What should the monsters/creatures be called:  aimati̱rí̱ téras [bloody monster in greek]

Should they be contagious by bites/scratches and :    yes and with aloooot of blood
What should the creatures weakness be?:  of course brain cause its control the creature
What should our group be called?:  killers [i think it king of lame]
Should I kill people off as we go along or is that too mean: yeah than it will more tragic
Happy ending or sad ending: happy ending

Do you get offended by me being such an lol, I curse a lot:
no because i curse a Lot too
Comments?:  so far so good and interesting story
Reccomendations?:   no idea
Anything I missed. I know I missed a lot lol:  i think no
Wanna be coauthor?:  no im not good in writing


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