Tired of being judged

i shouldnt have to filter what i post on MY wall for fear of being judged. Whether you know it or not, judging hurts. If you must judge me, judge me on who i am. not on the books i read, the company i keep, the car i drive, or the music i listen to.

So excuse me for living if i dont listen to music where girls are called b*tches and h*es or im not shakin my @$$ to a beat. When i was listenin to breezy, NOBODY had a problem, so whats the issue now? Im tired of defending myself, if you dont like it, ask me if igaf...delete me from your friends list if you feel its necessary. This is me, being me, take it or leave it.


sorry guys, i just had to vent for a sec


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Its all love coming from me to you. So you just tell me who is riding your the wrong way.
So i can go and yolk some people up.
Nobody s with my homies.....!
who was judging you? AFF is like the safest place in the world, i thought. :) I no judge you, lovey. not ever!