So Hot! TT^TT

Since yesterday, my air conditioner broke!


I am dying now!!

Its weird!

Can Butts sweat?? O.O

I Dunno but its really hot!

Maybe its just the heat thats getting to me!!

Oh and I got to cut my bangs! YAY! Haha So its kinda like IU!! :D

But I was thinking...

I wanna cut my hair too!

It getting really long!

I never had my hair this long before!

So yeah!! :D Haha sorry for the random post?? XD

Oh welll! You got to see a different side of me?? Kekeke! ^^

<3~ AsianCookiex3

ps. I like this color! <3


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I dont use my air conditioner -.-

And LOLOL 'can butts sweat'? LOL i dunno...can they? o.o

&awww you have IU bangs! I used to have bangs like that, but they look hideous on me OTL but yeaah, my hair is getting long too ^^ I like it tho hehe