Ugh...I hate bugs -__-

Yeah so my house is kind of infested with earwigs right now. God those things are gross! I know, I know if I'm an animal lover I shouldn't kill bugs but come on now; if they were all over your house, wouldn't you be driven nuts too?

Yes they are living creature's and no I don't get satisfaction from killing them, and I don't kill bugs to make myself 'feel big and bad' or anything I really, truly do not like them.

Even butterfly's I don't want them crawling all over me or landing on me .____. Yes they are pretty and somewhat cute, but no I don't want one in my house period.

I don't kill them if they're outside though, unless it's a poisnous ant or spider crawling near me...okay I'm gonna stop talking about them now X3 Getting the heeby jeebies just thinking about the damn things.


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Bugs are -uhgggg- problematic little creatures. I really don't care as long as they're not in my house.
I only really kill ants when they get inside my house though; most of the time I just try to ease the insects outside, but that doesn't work with infestations.
-jeiraz #2
The only insect I like is the butterfly.
They're so ing pretty.
So friggin' fragile.
But then when I was in 5th grade, I freaked out when it landed on me and made it land on a specific pagge in my old book, crushed it, and viola! DEAD. But beautiful.

I absolutely LOATHE cockroaches as well as ants.
They piss me off so damn much!
I kid.

But I really do despise them.
My old house has the really REALLY big spider on the ceiling.
I still remember it as though it was yesterday even though I was still in kindergarten. ._____.
But I never really want to kill it at that time. Actually I thought it was interesting. xD
HellsRainbow #4
I hate bugs. Animal lover or not, they shall in DIE!!! No matter what!

Except butterflies <3333333
I LOVE THEM! At out state fair, we have a big room full of monarchs, they just come fly around and sit on you like..."no big deal, just gonna sit on you, hey wassup homie?"