Yay~ Typing back to normal! (Sort of)

Omg yes! So I literally just opened my Dad's cupboard and found like, 5 keyboards in a bag and connected one. xD

And I've connected this really old one that has really thick buttons,

and it sounds just like a typewriter, it has this amazing clicky sound.


My Dad's probably going to moan when he get's back...

but for now....



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Kool!!! Make sure to type a lot of stories with that thick keyboard!!!!!XXDDXDDDXDD :)
LOL Thick keyboards are always the ones that last long.
Omg you have no idea how happy I am that I'm not the only one who loves thick keyboards ;A; <3333
My friends all like light keyboards are the best, blahblahblah and stares at me weirdly ;~~~;
Hehehe that is good to hear and I am happy for an update~