Super Junior: 'y, Free, & Single' Teaser Video

Seriously SM, FU!!!! Why do you have to post it when I was asleep?!!! Why couldn't you post it when you posted all the teaser photos!? >:( but anyway, enough with the ranting, I might as well post this now that I'm up at 5am scavaging for food 8D LOL

This teaser.... This teaser.... hmmmm.... *-* THIS TEASER!! *-* I can't take my eyes off of Eunhyuk, esp at the '3,2,1' part and his solo dance right after that... I really wanna see the whole video now! Hopefully SM won't post it when I'm asleep -.- Well, here it is! <3 Ah, the amazingness that is SUJU!!

THE RETURN OF THE KİNGS <3 <3 Superior! :P

Side note: Does this concept apply to Shindong? Isn't he engaged or something? Ever since I heard about this concept I kept asking myself that question... O.o

y, Free & Single, I'm ready to mingle! <3


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I can't wait for the whole MV!!!!
I'm soooo excited!!!!!
All I need is to get paid and I can preorder the CD!!!
I can't wait for their comeback next Thursday!!!!!