Perfect Actresses

Hi guys ~ GiKwangii here ! So , just to fill you in my life : I've just been discharged from the hospital ! Yaaaay ~ ^^ But the bad news is, two 'friends' of mine has recently been so HAPPY and so CAREFREE without me at school. Not that I would care anyway. they're just two Oscar-nominated actresses . Fake enough and soooo TALENTED to hide their hate and to mask their evil , immatured self. I've been informed that the conversation went like this :

A : Today GiKwangii didn't come , I'm so happy ! / B : Who wants her to come ..? /

Just so y right . On how they can act all sweetheart-y and princess-y infront of me and the others. I really despise all these kind of heartless wretches. I mean like , c'mon , i'm in the hospital waiting for the time i probably die of some virus and there you are at school happy enough to hold a lavish party. Why the hate? Honestly ! Now I'm not even sure the other two will stay the same. C and D are actually pretty okay but I'm just scared that they will turn out to be another clone. A is just plain jealous AND immature. Word : Telling teachers that I'm copying B , Pointing her sooo beautiful middle finger behind my back , brainwashing B , and starting the rumor mill . i just despise her . She's just so annoying. no wonder the mean queenkas of the technical stream scolded her like that . They're right , many people hate her , and she is stuck-up and snobby and all things mean . I just wish that she'd get all the words in her tiny , tiny brain . I don't even get why she even made it in my class .  And I even have B to worry about ! The self-centred brat , who just always wants to get her way of things done . I don't even get why people think highly of her . And people still has the cheek to accuse me of using B just 'cause she's pretty . Uh , HELLO ? If REAL pretty people like say , Naomi Neo doesn't even see and know I exist , what about B , then ? She's not pretty ! She's not ! and fyi , that excuse is soooo last season . I honestly didn't do anything to disrupt your rep , or destroy your things , did I ? So why are you doing this to me? Do you guys even know how torturous it it to face the world with undying skeptism ? To know that everyone might just be the same mean , evil beings ? to know that I was actually crying on the shoulders of a fake ? They just don't appreciate me , don't they ? I mean , sure , I'm emotional , sure I'm skeptical , sure i'm a little weird . But what gives ? What gives? Is this really the definition of friendship ? Where you can switch sides anytime ? Where you can say anything without a second thought for the other party's feelings? Then what is it ? WHAT is the definition of friendship , then ? Is it just so wrong for me to actually have at least a being that understands me and to know that my secrets are well-kept ? Is it wrong? Who are my real friends ? There's a scary world out there . And I can't just venture out alone . I need the aid of a friend . But now , I just can't tell the difference between a foe and a friend . To fight or to flight ? 


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Ohmygawd. GiKwangii. I hope you are alright.