A fan girls life


A fans girl's life


Wake up, go to schools, study, go home, eat, do home work then sleep, a very typical day of a student, a teenager, like you and me. Almost nothing is altered with this habitual way of doing things every day, yes sometimes we go the malls, watch movies or hang out with friends, but after this we go back to that old pattern that we do every day.

I have never imagined that this “every day outline” of how we do things will be altered by just means of people who we don’t even know, have any connection with or by all means even understand.

I’m talking about K pop idols, yes, those very handsome men and gorgeous women we keep on supporting even thou we can’t really understand what they say.

A life of a fan weather it’s a boy or a girl is never easy, they experience many things that is very weird in the eyes of those who don’t get why they do these stuff. But despite of being criticized, they still continue doing stuff that makes them happy.

I know some that can endure not eating or spending their allowance, they save up this money so that they can buy the cd albums of their favorite k pop idol group. Some have so many posters posted around all the four corners of their room, also when you borrow their iPods, or mp3’s all you will hear are k pop songs, there may be English one’s but they are so few that you won’t even notice.

Then when you go to their desktop or laptops the first thing that you will notice are their wall paper, k pop idol of course. In a crowd of teenagers, try to play a much known k pop song and they will even sing the lyrics of the song although they don’t understand it, they memorized it, isn’t it fascinating? Some of these fan’s even study Korean language (Hangeul) just to be able to keep up and kindda understand what their idols are talking about or even have a very simple conversations using this language.

Even in the telecommunications world, k pop wave can’t be missed; there are these many k pop groups that I know who especially formed their cell phone clan groups in order to support, indorse, or even to know the updates about their so called “bias”.  Some have generalized the k pop groups, others only have a specific group that they support and have their clan name followed to the name of their k pop idol group. 

Also some had experienced life staking stuff just to see their beloved idols; they rushed to those fan meetings just to acquire a signature from that very special person they adore so much. When they have concerts, they will rush to the airport just to welcome and be able to greet their idol in coming to their country; even though they will be crushed by so many fans like them they really don’t mind it.

I know many student fan girl out there who are almost not eating or spending their allowances just to be able to buy the cd albums and concert tickets of their idols.

Some think these things are very silly, and are very weird, and they might also say that we are just dreaming and we need to wake up and face reality that our idols don’t even know us so we’d better stop wasting our time cheering for them.

I think not, I think it’s a very beautiful way of loving someone, although its one sided love, it is still love. and yes, maybe they don’t know us fans one by one, but they know us as a group, as one, and they give back what we give them by doing a good job in every performance they have, every song they dance and sing with.

Now we can say that it’s not just one sided love. Remember, love is a mutual thing, it cannot work if your alone. 


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tnx for reading...
babymichiie #2
Nice one. I totally agree with you.<br />
Well, I ain't those hyper kinda fan.. but I totally agree with you! ^^