Nothing's Impossible Application


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*AFF username: dattebayo-go
*Profile Link:
*Activeness: 8

*Name: Woo Youngbin
*Nicknames: Binnie, Wooyoung, Hulk
*Age: 18
*B-Day: 04/13/1994
*Hometown: London, England
*Ethnicity: Korean
*Languages: Korean, English

*Personality: Youngbin is a very tolerant and obedient girl who doesn't like talking to many people. Maybe it's because she is too lazy or too bored, but everyone considers her as a "mute", which she is not. She easily gets bored and usually goes off into her own world. Youngbin is super intelligent and atheletic but doesn't like bragging about it - there's no point to it anyways. Although she has a cold aura, Youngbin is actually quite accepting and caring. She doesn't keep a lot of friends near by due to the fact she has major trust issues, but Youngbin isn't mean enough to kick people out of her life - people are always around, so what's the use? Anyways, Youngbin likes her privacy at times and when she needs it, she needs it.

The one thing about Youngbin is that she hates showing her weaknesses. If it hurts, it up. If it makes her tired, just drink some coffee. Whatever the case is, she doesn't let others know her weak side. She has this wall that is quite unbreakable and she only lets it down when she wants to. But when she sees the weak get picked on, Youngbin helps out, unintentionally. Youngbin likes helping the elderly and the children because in a way, they're innocent, "weak" people that makes her feel..."pure".


The dark side - *play scary music xD* - is when she actually does get angry. When she gets angry, it can be a bit frightening. Youngbin gets a bit violent and if it pisses her off even more, she'll become a bit psychopathic and make the scene more ugly than it should be. The girl loses all of her senses when rage takes over - which is why she is so tolerant and stoic. She's nicknamed "Hulk" because she does turn into one (without bring all green and muscular - she's just her normal body).

*Strengths: 1. Sports; 2. Academics; 3. Music; 4. Survival Skills; 5. Hiding her emotions; 6. Silent kills

*Weaknesses: 1. The weak needing help; 2. Friends; 3. Family; 4. Nightmares; 5. Bonds
*Turn ons: 1. Music; 2. Determination; 3. Intelligence; 4. Talent; 5. Friendliness
*Turn offs: 1. People who pick on the weak; 2. Preppy people; 3. Drugs; 4. Smoking
*Fears: 1. Her rage: it's what makes her inhumane and lose herself // 2. Being too close with someone: she can't bear the fact of losing someone  else. // 3. Knowing too much: it's just like #2, if she knows, then it might hurt her or someone else she would care about.

*Likes: Studying, reading, track, soccer, volunteering, piano, guitar, lychee, bubble tea, Sherlock Holmes, the country side 
*Dislikes: Loud noises, too much people around her, girly things, unnecessary things, being a burden and having one, cartoons
*Good habits: Youngbin cups her chin when she is thinking // She takes random naps for as long she likes // Youngbin will daze off into her own world for a long time, unless she's interrupted.
*Bad habits: She'll break whatever is in her hands when she gets to the very beginning of being angry // She bites down on her lip till it bleeds, not caring about it at all // Youngbin is an insomniac in both ways (mostly a very, very light sleeper but at times will be the most heaviest sleeper.)
*Trivia: Youngbin is only truly happy when she's taking care of the elderly and children (she actually smiles) // Youngbin wants to be a detective, like Sherlock Holmes // She hates eating kimchi but eats it if it's served // Because of her "superman" strength, she is called "Wooyeong", as a boy // Youngbin eats only once or twice a day. // Just for the heck of it, she works as a model.

[Things you're addicted to]

*Food: ramen, steak, lychee, bubble tea, tiramasu, tea, marshmallows
*Family member: her little brother, Youngsuk, and her twin brother, Youngmin.
*Animal: lions, dogs - German Shepards.
*Color: black, white, gray


*Parents: Woo Younghyun| 52 | Father | He was very caring and always loved Youngbin with his heart. He's always wanted to make her happy. | Deceased // Woo Minah| 50 | Mother | She cherished Youngbin and sung for her every night. She was a true angel to Youngbin. | Deceased // Woo Dahye| 51 | Step-mother | She tried making Youngbin into a living puppet. She tried making Youngbin perfect and for that, she always considered Youngbin a "mistake" | Deceased 
Siblings: Woo Youngmin| 18 | Twin brother | Youngmin was always protective of Youngbin (and Youngsuk). He was playful and never stop smiling, even if it was a bad day. | Deceased // Kwon Youngsuk| 16 | Brother | Youngsuk looked up to Youngbin and she protected him as well. He learned a lot from her. | Deceased
Pet: Sherlock | 2 | German Sherpard | With Youngbin | Alive
*Best childhood memory: It was when their family went to Athens for a family vacation and they spend the entire month together. This was before Youngbin's first mother died.
*Worst childhood memory: She watched her mother get murdered, along with her brothers as they were tied up. // She also watched her entire family get murdered. // Being in a massacre in an orphanage.

*History: Youngbin's mother died when she was only 5 years old. This scarred Youngmin and Youngbin a lot. With that, Mr. Woo remarried to a perfectionist, Minah, who tried turning the kids into what she wanted them to be - perfect puppets. Mr. Woo was always busy with other affairs dealing with work and was never at home to see the torture that the kids went through. Youngsuk turned mute at the age 7 (which means the twins were 9) and after that, things went downhill. Because of his reputation, many came after Mr. Woo and his family. They were constantly attacked, if it weren't for Youngmin, who gained a "gift" due to a sudden outburst. It was a night when the family was at home and they were all under attack. After the men, who were sent, killed Mr. and Mrs. Woo, they killed Youngmin and Youngsuk. Before they could bury Youngbin alive, she killed them with Youngmin's "gift" and escaped into the night. She was only 10 years old.

She was instantly taken to an orphanage (a nun happened to find her) and it was only her first year when the entire orphanage was killed due to some gangster, looking for "fun". Youngbin's anger hit the roof and ended up murdering twenty men. She ran away to an abandoned mansion and lived with the German Sherpard puppy ever since.

*How you found out about your abillity: She was talking with Youngmin and badly wanted his power. Touching him, she left herself a bit more different. It was an accident, but she used the power to kill her pet fish - which she only had for two days - and she and Youngmin realized her powers. They both considered it as a "psychic" power. 
If you used a picture, pic number:

*Your ability: (Hightlight) [only ONE]

  • Fire [fire bending but you can produce it out your body]
  • Water [same as fire]
  • Air [Same as fire]
  • Earth [same as fire]
  • Ice [Can turn people into ice, bend ice, produce.]
  • Plants [control, produce]
  • Hair [control, you can choke your enemies, produce]
  • Money/paper [paper cut your enemies body, control, produce]
  • Darkness [have shadows as your  minions, control, produce]
  • Sand [drown your enemy in sand, same as fire]
  • Lightning [same as fire]
  • Metal/iron/gold [turn your body into it, same as fire]
  • Electronics [control, turn yourself into robot and back]
  • Blades [same as fire]
  • Invisibilty
  • Time traveling [can change what happens in time]
  • Psychic
  • Making things come to life [Ex: drawings, furniture, only non-living things]
  • Energy [can shoot energy balls at allies to give more energy, never runs out of energy]
  • Mechanicals [same as fire]
  • Strings [Same as hair, but thicker]

*Clothes: , - Because Youngbin's a model, she doesn't have a specific type of style that she likes. As long it's comfortable and she isn't , then it's suitable. Her main closet though is mostly composed of black, gray, and white clothing. Her second closet has a ton of colorful clothes that the modeling company gives to her for free. 

*Ulzzang name: Han Bom


*Back up ulzzang name: Kwon Su Jeong


*Second back up ulzzang name: Kang Su Ra

*Love interest: Kim Myungsoo
*How you met: The two of them met on the streets. Youngbin heard Myungsoo's thoughts about suicide and saved him from killing himself. After that. Youngbin disappears. He only knows her face and tries searching for her.
Scene request: *up to you*

*Back up: Luhan
*How you met: [same as Myungsoo]
Scene request: *up to you*


*Second back up: Jonghyun
*How you met: [same as Myungsoo+Luhan]
Scene request: *up to you*

*Wide or Narrow? Why? - Narrow, the darker, the more interesting. Plus, I get to be more specific here xD
Comments: Hwaiting!! :DDDD



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