My Ideal Guy (Stolen from fireworkrainbow)


Section 1

Hair color? 

I guess it doesn't matter. Blond or black hair would be a little more favorable. 

Eye color? 

If he's blond, then blue. A very very bright blue. 

If he has a black hair colour, brown would be nice. 


Taller than me. That's for sure. 

Six pack?(not for girls)

I don't mind if he doesn't have a 6 pack. But, he needs to be fit. Running around with me can be pretty tiring. LOL.

Long hair or short? 

Depends on his face. It really doesn't matter. 


I've got glasses, so it doesn't matter. :D 


Doesn't matter, but it'd be better if he didn't. 


Uhm. Hence the fact EYEBROWS not Eyebrow. I'd prefer he has two. 

Big or little?

I'm not going to measure.. LOL.

Chest hair?


Buff (chubby) or skinny?

Fit. Toned. 


Yes. He needs teeth. He has to have good oral hygiene.

Section 2

Funny or serious? 

Both. Funny when I need him to be. Serious when he has to be. 

Party-hopper or more stay-at-home? 

A bit of both I guess. 

Should he/she be able to bake or cook? 

Yeah! I like to cook and bake, it'd be a nice way to spend time together. 

Does he/she have a best friend? 

I don't want him to be a loner.. So.. I suppose so. (o _ O) What kind of a question is this? 

Is it okay for him/her to have a lot of female/male friends? 

I don't mind! As long as he's completely loyal to me, I don't mind who he's friends with. As long as he's got boundaries. 

Out-going or shy? Sarcastic or sincere? 

At first when we meet, shy around me. Like, a cute shy. Then eventually outgoing when we get closer. I want him to be sarcastic, to try and make me laugh. But, sincere when I want him to be. 

Does he/she love his mother? 

Of course! I'd love a cool mother in law. :D 

Should he/she watch chick-flicks? 

Aeh. I'm more into action and horror films. 

Would he/she be a smoker? 

HECK NO.  I lost my grandpa that way. I'm not going to lose him that way too. 

How about a drinking? 

At parties sure, but if it's a problem.. Then no. 

And swearing? 

He has to be able to control it. 

Would he/she play with your hair?


Would he/she have more than one girlfriend/boyfriend at a time? 

... no. 

 Would he/she pay for you when you're on a date? 

Well.. I guess. Unless, I'm the one who asks. Then I'll pay. :D 

Does he/she kiss on the first date?

Depends if we hit it off. Probably not. 

Where would you go for dinner? 

It doesn't matter. As long as I'm with him, I don't mind. :D I'm there to get to know him, not anything else. 

Would he/she buy you flowers? 

I wouldn't mind, but I don't think I'd want any. 

Would he/she lay under the stars with you and spout random philosophies? 

That'd be amazing. (83)

Would he/she write poetry about you? 

A song would be more favorable. :3 

Would he/she use endearments? 

If that means hugs, then yes. LOL. 

Would he/she hang out with your and YOUR friends? 

Sure. Why not. (: As long as he doesn't fall in love with any of them. 

How about you hanging out with him/her and HIS/HER friends? 

If he doesn't mind. (: 

Would he/she walk you up to the door at the end of the evening? 

Dear gosh. Yes. <3 

Would you hold hands? 

( ; ~ ; ) Yes. 

Section 3

Does he/she play soccer? 

I'm no good at soccer, but we can play together. 


Probably not.. LOL.


Love it! Come on! I'd play. :D 


Yes. <3 

Water polo? 

Yes. I'm a fairly good swimmer.. so. :D 

Golf or something equally boring?

No. (: 

Does he/she surf?

I've always wanted to surf. :D 


If he teaches me. LOL. 


Yes. I've always wanted to. :D 

Can he/she sing?

Yes. <3 

Play the guitar?

YEEEEEEUS. \( ; o ; )/

Play piano?

Well, I can play piano. Just not well. If he taught me how to be better, 

Play the drums?

That'd be fun, if he was musical. :D 

Can he/she keep his room clean?

It'd be nice. :D 

Is he/she an artist of sorts?

I don't mind. (: 

Does he/she write his own music?

It'd be cute. 

Does he/she have pets?

Sure. (: You can tell a lot about a person through the way they treat their pets. 

Section 4

Does he/she use the word dude?

Duuuuude, you like totally read my mindddd. 

No. Well.. I don't mind. 

How about tight?

No.. That's weird, 

Would he/she watch the sun rise and set with you?

Yes. (': 

What kind of car does he/she drive?

If he had a Chevy Camaro.. or a Carrera. <3 Or.. idc. If he has a car.. dear gosh. 



What's his/her name?

I really like the letter J. 

But I don't mind. :D 



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