People might hate me for this but...

I don't understand why people hate SME so much.

Just read a friend's blog which voiced about the same opinion.

I am reminded of how many comments on YouTube videos I've watched or articles I've read which caused fanwars and it would basically revolve around these things:

1. SME overworked their idols

2. SME played favorite amongst the idols

3. The JYJ's lawsuit


It might be true that SME overworked their idols. But that was part of their job. They knew about it before they entered the K-Pop Industry but yet our idols still determined to be a part of it to reach their dreams of becoming an idol. It's sad. But they need to work hard to be as big as they are now. Achievement requires sacrifices. And for your information, idols are not the only one being overworked. Doctors do. Lawyers do. I don't know about other jobs, but I'm sure there are a lot of jobs which took a lot of time. It's a job people. Don't be overdramatic about it.


The issue about SME played favorite often lead me to read comments about people hating on EXO and SNSD.

Despised that I don't even know whether the issue was true or not,

I don't think it's weird if SME really did play favorite. I mean, it's business. They want some cash, so the idols that give them more cash would get a better treatment (and it's completely theoretically since I don't know really well about the issue). I'm not saying this because I'm a Sone. I'm more a Shawol than a Sone and I'm sure if SME played favorite SHINee would not be their favorite. No. I'm not saying this because I'm biased. I try to speak logic, and no matter how ugly it sounds, in business you would get as much as you give. It's not a friendship or a family in which you shouldn't play favorite. It's business, so people needs to get over it and just support their idols more instead of bashing other idols for getting (what they thought) a better treatment.

And about EXO. I'm not an Exotic, but I think it's normal for SME to spend that much money on them. The boys just debuted, so they need more recognition from people, and that requires more promotions. Stop bashing on them and making it personal. -___-"


And the last issue is probably the most sensitive one.

Even now I'm contemplating whether I should write about this (I might get bashed).  But I've been itching to do it for some times.. so..

I want to keep it straight that I'm not hating on JYJ. Completely no. They're talented idols. /not to mention very hot. OTL

I don't get it why people bashing on SME for creating the so called slave contract. I don't know what the content of the contract but I'm pretty sure that it would contain the time and payment (the two things people often complains about). JYJ signed the contract, meaning they agreed to whatever stated on that contract. And don't tell me they were young or something like that, because if they signed the contract when they were underage, their parents (or a guardian) would surely be there to assist them and also signed the contract with them.

I'm not saying that the contract was fair. I don't even know what the content, and I'm pretty sure neither do you. But it's a contract, once you signed it you are bind by law to fulfill what obligation you have according to it. And if you failed to do so, that means a breach of contract and that you would need to pay the price for it.

Forgive me for being so blunt but the moment I knew about the dispute between JYJ and SME (being a complete stranger to TVXQ or JYJ; I only knew SNSD, SHINee, and SUJU at the moment) I raised my eyebrow and automatically thought that these people signed the contract with SME despised it being 'unfair' because they didn't have better choice and now after they are famous and people know them they tried to get away from the contract.

Now I'm not saying that JYJ is on the wrong side. I salute them for daring to stand up against what they thought as a mistreatment. But they also need to be responsible for the contract they signed, and if SME raged about them exiting the company and thus breaching their contract that would be SME's right.


I'm not an SME supporter or whatever. Honestly sometimes it hurts me too seeing my idols being overworked and looked tired. But I focus my energy more on supporting them rather on bashing on the company. Because seriously people, there are two sides to every story. Don't bash on something if you don't know really well about it.


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Ah, nice. I agree with most of your points here. Bashing and hating on the entertainment company wouldn't help any of its artists. It's just a waste of time and energy; like now, I shouldn't be commenting xD
And I just have this strange feeling that even though the lawsuit is about their slave contract, it is more than that. This is only the fruits of a much deeper root. But that is just me ^-^
OMG! I finaly found someone who thinks the same thing as me! ^^
Wow. I used to think opposite from you but now that I've read this, you changed the way I thought about SME . You proved good points. I don't FULLY agree with you, but I agree with you somewhat. Thank you for changing the way I see SME ^^
i dont like that they are overwprked but i love snsd and suju and shinee i like almost all bands
i dont like that they are overwprked but i love snsd and suju and shinee i like almost all bands