

I dreamt about crazy things again but this time it's not weird that you can't understand. It's actually crystal clear.
Maybe in this dream, I'll be the one who's weird because of my explaining.
So I went to a recording studio with FTIsland and my sister, her friend, my grandmother and brother tagged along.
While FTisland was recording, my family and I ate at a round table.
Since my brother is being whiny and acting spoiled again, I had to have my say.
My grandmother and sister got mad at me to the point that my sister pushed her friend when she was done eating 'cause she had to go stand up.
It was fun with FTisland. They crack a lot of jokes and are kind of carefree.
And I must say this, Hongki is not my bias neither is he my favorite in FTIsland. I might as well hate him.
I was playing with Hongki after they recorded again.
Then we had these somewhat book-like cellphones that can only dial one number.
I was sitting on the couch and he's next to me. We were playing around and laughing. Then when he stood up for a moment, i took the chance to lay my head down.
Well, he was quick enough to sit down. So he did the same. He laid his head down too. We were fighting each other and kicking each other until he sat up and slightly got mad.
He said 'Why did you call me?!" then I looked at the cellphone in my hand and he took it from me. He ripped the cutout at the back and mentioned that it's his third time breaking this.
Then later on I saw how Hongki was being scolded saying "You already saw how everyone was mad and you have the guts to play around with her?" Or something around those words. Soon I was in the car with my family.
My brother, my mother, my father, and me. My sister wasn't there. We stopped at the market. The wet market. I actually didn't know what we were doing there so I followed cluelessly. Then we see a man carrying a strangely-shaped water container with a cannonball at the end. Another man passes by with the same water container then I notice that these people are from my vision of Hongki getting scolded. They were somewhat slaves to Hongki's boss. My father then said "one more" and laughed.
Like he said another guy passed by but he wasn't carrying the bottle. He was carrying a plastic of some dark powder. I ran in front of my family and saw the exit. The people in the stands said that they were at the back of the shop and pointed to a narrow alley just two shops away from the exit.
My father went in while the rest of us hurried out. He soon went back out and followed us. My father and mom said about not coming back. Then they gave me a cellphone and a bottle of perfume. I hugged each one of them while I started crying. I couldn't hold in my tears and the time wasn't actually right. Then while they went in that alley, my classmate went to the store beside the exit and picked up a shoe and said "how do you use this?" I almost laughed but because of the situation, I didn't.
Then finally they both came out. My father staggered his way out with a cylinder-like shaped head and little words on his head written 'this is ring this is ring this is ring' I couldn't believe it. I looked back at the door and saw my mom was fine and started walking towards us.
When I looked back at my dad, his head was back to normal but his eye seems swollen and he's not opening his eyes.
I started crying loudly and softly tapped his head. I cried and cried while my brother was still somewhat, slapping him, but softly. He started to open his eyes. I was so relieved and for a moment I thought he had green and brown eyes and he looked like his eye had eyeshadow of green. When his eyes were of different color the eye with the eyeshadow of green had the brown eye while the other eye had the green one. but the second time he blinked it was back to brown. But truthfully his eyes are black. Then I woke up. I checked my cheek if I had tears but no. Since my crying in that dream was more like wailing and bawling. Plus the dream seemed so, SOOO real. 
This blog post is from May 06.
I think. Now back to updating my fic.


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