Don't Let Me Fall (Application)

♥ application form;


▬ the basics ▬

username ; [ simple. your aff username ] glitteryy

name ; [ last, first. asian names are preferred ] Kim Jaemi

age / birthday ; [ DD/MM/YYYY style please. ages 15-18 ] 17

ethnicity ; [ please have at least one asian root ] Korean - British

birthplace ; [ where you were born ] Stratford, London

height ; [ in cm ] 170

weight ; [ in kg ] 48

blood type ; [ a, b, ab, o ] ab

appearance ; [ ulzzangs ONLY. 3+ HQ links of the same uljjang. thank you ]  ; ; ;

uljjang name ; [ incase i need more pictures ] Lee Jung Ha

▬ the personal you ▬

personality ; [ as detailed, neat, and long as possible ] I'm gonna combine background and personality together, that okay?

-- Jaemi was The Unwanted one, right from the start. She was the product of a one night stand, and when her father found out that her mother was pregnant he was furious. He had only come to London on business and was planning to return to Korea, but because her mother was from a rich and prestigious family they made him marry her. The story given to the media was that her mother had met a man, fallen in love, and being the young girl that she was, hastily married him.

-- Her grandparents died early, and with their death came the reign of her father over the entire family. He wasted money on gambling, went out and got drunk, then come back late in the night smelling of women. Sometimes, he brought them back to the house too. Jaemi's mother loved her father too much to try to even stop him. She was like a slave to him, a women forever imprisoned under her father's spell.

-- Because of her father, she grew to despise men. She had a sole impression of them, rough brutes who could not respect women. She never talked to any, refused to sit with any on public transport and was even cold to her teachers in school who were men.

-- Jaemi doesn't have just a few friends, she has NO friends. At school all the other girls shun her because she doesn't like to talk about boys like they do. She never wants to get married. When someone in school told her that, "You will never get married if you carry on like that," she stared straight at the girl and answered,"I'm glad. I'm glad I won't marry. Heck, I'm so glad I'll fall to my knees and praise God."

-- So because of all this, Jaemi is an independant, lonely girl. She has to work part time to pay her school fees because her father refuses to pay them. In school during lunch, she throws her hoodie over her head and goes to sit under one of the huge trees.

-- Yet, she has a tender heart, she loves all sorts of animals; birds, dogs, cats, terrapins, bunnies. She keeps strays in the unused attic in her house - A siamese cat, two golden retrievers, a zu and surprise! A rat xD When her lonely heart gets too weary she climbs up to the attic to be with the animals she loves. That makes her feel better. Of course, talking to God helps her too, the faith she has in Him soothes her.

-- The only people her tender side shows to are her mother, little cousins as well as her step brother Onew. Onew was also born because of another one night stand he had, but Onew's mother was already married to someone else. She met Onew when he came to attend the funeral of her grandparents. She can relate to him because they both hate her father.

(Too long? I tried to seperate and bold alternate paragraphs :/)

likes ; [ 5+ ] Animals, Balloons, Chocolate, Dancing (her hidden talent), Eggs

dislikes ; [ 5+ ] Men, bullies, the dark, television shows, short skirts, dresses, tube tops, hairbands, heels

hobbies ; [ 5+ ] dancing, being with animals, doodling, writing, knitting

habits ; [ 2 good, 2 bad ] Bad -- Tearing her fingernails, biting her lips when she's nervous or angry till they bleed. Good -- Saying a prayer whenever she sees someone getting bullied, twirling her pencil around to help her think better

▬ your love story ▬

Number four please!

partner ; [ list top 3 partners, and what group they're from ] Lee Taemin (Shinee), Son Dongwoon (Beast), Sandeul (B1A4)

his personality ; [ doesn't have to be long, but please be detailed and neat ]

Taemin -- Loves dogs like her, and are gentle to them. Gentle towards little kids too. He's the dancing machine of Shinee, he becomes someone different when he dances.

Dongwoon -- His public image is cute&charismatic, but he has a silent side too. He is exceptionally handsome, with fine princey looks. He is courteous and warm.

Sandeul -- He is the epitome of cute, the way his lips round up when he sings or talks, the way he walks, the way he acts, everything. He sings very well and is rather mischievious.

dream scene ; [ optional. any special scene you would like me to add? :3 ]

Y'know in your love scene I think you need to make her going to the grocery store to buy food for her mother cuz' well, she doesn't have any friends :/

Nothing else, I like to be surprised!

▬ anything else ▬

requests ; [ optional. any siblings? cousins? etc. ] Step brother Lee Jinki (Shinee), several little cousins that she visits every week.

extras ; [ anything else? ]

I hope you enjoyed my application, I really do love the idea of your story and if I get chosen, I can't wait to see how you bring my character to life.

I also hope you have tons of fun writing this story, all the best to you love! <3


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could i have the link to the story please? i want to apply as well :P<br />
good luck to you ! :D