Announcement About Updates, Plus Personal Message [Please read] :))))

First of all, I would like to apologize for my month-long absence.

School started about four weeks ago and my schedule has been so packed ever since.

Today's the only work-less free I've had so far, so I might post updates.


Second, oh please please please do me a small favor!!!

Can you please click this link, then like the article? :))
Not the FB like button, ok? :)) Scroll down more for the like button (the orange one). :D
[Or maybe you can like both ways?]
You don't have to read it if you don't want to. XD
Please??? Although you might want to comment your feedbacks because it is about Kpop after all. XD
Thank you so much to everyone who would view, like and/or comment. =)))))
So, which fic should I update first? ^^


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