My love for Taecyeon is back and it's bigger...higher than his hair

"Oppa I can trust you, right? Okay?" An important line to remember! haha

But seriously!! My heart wanted to jump out of my chest after watching 2PM's comeback stage at Music Bank...especially "Like The Movies".


Taecyeon looked exceptionally hott, gorgeous, y, breathtaking in that performance! His outfit, his gaze (creeper look in Like The Movies while a dorky one in Hands Up), his teeth, his husky voice, effff even that hair made me whimper. 

He's my bias in 2PM but that kinda died down since I didn't really like his look in 'I'll Be Back' (Don't bash me but the song also didn't grow on me). But I love I can't!! 

So now I will definitely track down their performances and the replay button! 


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OMG I LOVE their "Hands Up" song. Shoot I am loving all of their new songs hahaha. I have to say that I really like this song better than some of their old ones. It's more fitting for them ^^. <br />
Ah yes I agree with you. This mv/song made me rekindle my love for Chansung <3!! <br />
Hahaha Taec made me laugh so much in the backstage video xD<br />
And *spazz* really enjoyed "Like A Movie". I agree Taec rap voice was simply amazing! ^^. <br />
And their performance for "Hands Up" DAEBAK!!! Loved Loved it. Taec was standing on Chansung and Wooyoung keke ^^<br />
SooJung #2
I think you've just found the 'subject' of your next fic.. eh? xD<br />
*hint*hint* *nudge*nudge* xDD
jeniscool100 #3
Ahahahahaha, "Higher than his hair." I loved that. xDDDD<br />
HE DID LOOK REALLY GOOD IN THE PERFORMANCE! His voice is just sooooo 21#%$#!#@!$#$@@#@! OH MY GOD. Can't be described in words! :D<br />
I honestly didn't feel I'll Be Back too much either. I mean, sure I supported them and everything, but the song just wasn't really my style.<br />
BUT THIS ALBUM IS SOOOOOOOOO DAMN GOOD! It's totally rekindled my love for 2PM as well!(: <3333