Thank God! :D

WAHHH! I was about to die out of heart attack when our GP teacher announced that we will be having our 2nd assessment on Monday, but luckily, I survived! And that's because, the date changed! It's gonna be on Tuesday instead ^o^

I am not usually someone who complained, but...when she announced that we will be writing essay for GP on Monday, I died for a while thinking about my other 2 subjects that I will be having on the same day. AND worse, (if GP is included) 3 continous blocks ==, AND the subjects are Maths and Psychology, calculations and 4 essays! Who won't die because of that? I WOULD!

Truth be told, I am weak at doing essays, logical essays to say.

Anyway, I am done ranting~LOL :D

So...kekeke...I am still hyper about talking to Youngwon of Dalmatian last week, on Sunday. HE REPLIED TO ME VIA FACEBOOK! :D


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yes, Youngwon of Dalmatian :3