The Ice Lady

>> Kingkas Are Not Everything Application Form <<


The Ice Lady


My Aff Life


AFF account name : iiBubbles4U

AFF profile link : Click Me !!^^

Actineness : 10!


Character`s Life


Character`s name : Park "Ashli" Cheonsa

Nicknames : Ashli, Ashy, Lily

Age : 17

Birthdate :  22/11/1995

Birthplace :San Francisco, California, USA

Hometown : San Francisco, California, USA

Ethnicity : Korean-American

Languages :Korean(fluent), English(fluent), Japanese(basic), Chinese(basic)


Am I Pretty ??


Ulzzang`s name : Tsubasa Masuwaka(Can I take her?She's a gyaru . If not, just use my backup ulzzang)

Ulzzang`s links : 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 7 ||  

Back-up ulzzang name :  Seo Ji Hye

Back-up ulzzang links : [ o1 ] [ o2 ] [ o3 ] [ o4 ] [ o5 ]  

Clothes style : y- 1





It`s My Personal Info


Personality : Ashli is Herself . She doesn't care what people think of her . She is also not affected by it . When someone spreads rumors about her, she just ignore it . She don't care what other people think of her .

Ashli hates to call older people 'oppa/unnie/subae' because she thinks it's too childish . Ashli also hates to do aegyo . If anyone purposely does aegyo straight to her, that person will die .

Ashli learnt Taekwondo when she was 6 & Karate when she  was 9 . She holds a black belt in Taekwondo & the 2007 Seoul Karate Championship .

When you first meet her, she will be cold and mean and ignore you . She hates meeting new people . She thinks it is a waste of her time . But when you start to get to know her, she is actually sweet and kind . She helps when the time is really rough .

At School, her attidude is horrible . It wasn't like this before . It's because of a past expirence . She then became a 'bad' image in front of the teachers and the principal . Her personality then becamae really bad . Her parents transferred her to so many schools before but it didn't work .

Background History : Ashli was born in San Francisco, California, USA into a family of 2 in 1995 . Ashli was a rich kid . She got everything she wanted, and she could have everything she want . When Ashli was young, she didn't waste money at all . Until she was 12 . Ashli's father build up from a small food store into the largest food resturant in Korea . Ashli's mother is a doctor . Her parents are always busy, working late, coming home late, going to work early in the morning . Ashli is only left alone with her guardian , no love, no warmth . Ashli was the only child, so she didn't felt the feeling of sharing . She was plain selfish .

Likes :

  • Chocolate
  • Internet
  • twitter
  • tumblr
  • facebook
  • ice cream
  • candy
  • pranking

Dislikes :

  • kingkas
  • when computer has problems
  • when people tell her what to do
  • people who offend her

Hobbies :

  • singing
  • dancing
  • swimming
  • pranking

Talents :

  • singing
  • dancing
  • swimming

Habbits :

  • biting nails when nervous
  • biting lip when doing something wrong

Trivia / special facts about you :

  • Ashli's Aunt passed away when she was 15. Another reason why she is so cold and icy .
  • Ashli's Aunt was her guardian, always there for her . Even more then her parents .

Weakness : Her Aunt


My Family And Friends~And also rival!


Family members :


[ Parents ]

Name : Park "James" Jongin

Age & birthdate : 46 || March 28 1972

Occupation : Boss of a Food REsturant

Relationship : Father


Name : Lee Soo Min

Age & birthdate :  45, September 22, 1973

Occupation : Doctor

Realtionship :Mother


[ Siblings ]

Name :

Age & birthdate :

Band :

Personality :


Name :

Age & birthdate :

Band :

Personality :


Name :

Age & birthdate :

Band :

Personality :


Friends: -

Name : Park Chorong

Age : 21

Band : A Pink

How do you meet : They were in the same school, Chorong always helped Ashli out .


Name : Tiffany Hwang

Age : 23

Band : SNSD

How do you meet : They were good friends in America together . They also took the same airplane to Seoul .


Name : Seo Joo Hyun(SeoHyun)

Age : 21

Band :  SNSD

How do you meet : Lee Soo Man is Ashli's uncle, she met her when she was walking to LSM's office to visit him and got lost .


Rivals :-

Name : Kim HyunA

Age : 20

Band : 4minute

Why are you two rival ? : HyunA cost Ashli's father busniess to go bankrupt last year , but it rise up again this year .


School Life Is Not Easy


Favourite subject : Recess

Most hated subject :  Maths

Rate your intelligence : 9

Are you more to the quiet or noisy type? : Quiet-she doesn't talk much .


The Love Of My Life


Love interest :  Byun Baekhyun / 20/May 6 1992/EXO-K

Personality : He is really childish . Whenever Ashli takes something away from him, he will pout . He will also sometimes do aegyo . Ashli doesn't punch him because his aegyo is super cute !

How do you meet : When she was leaaving the SM Building, she got lost again and met Baekhyun . He also helped her multiple times . She once fainted in the street, and Baekhyun helped her to the hospital .


Back-up love interest :  Park Chanyeol/20/November 27,1992/EXO-K

Personality : He is reallly cold and stiff also, but also warms up when you start to get to know him . Chanyeol is a great guy .

How do you meet : Ashli was walking alone on the road, when it is raining, a car sped up, almost knock down her, and Chanyeol saved her .


Just A few Simple Questions For you~


What will you do when you found out that your best friend cheated behind you? : I will confront her and ask her why

What will be the best present for you from your bestfriend on your birthday? : For her to be with me for the whole day .

What is the first thing you do when you wake up? : Brush my teeth

What is the last thing you do before you go to sleep? : Charge my iPhone


This Is The End!


What room do you choose? : Room 5

Any suggestions for the story : Nope!~

Requested scenes? : Nope, all up to you !!

Password : BaekHyun !



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