Holiday, START!!! *giggles*


Bikini, sun, sun creme and does that sound to you? 'Coz to me it sounds great! *jumps around*

Oh, hi there! *waves* This Kat missed you all! *huugs*

So, the summer holiday is finally here! YAY! School's out and Kat's planning something for her first day of holiday. Here is a complete guide about how to spend your first free day in the best way!

  1. Put your diploma inside a drawer. Hide it. Even though this Kat is on the first place once again >////<
  2. Call your best friends. Tell them those two little words: water&boys!
  3. Ask money from your parents.
  4. Call your friends once again to tell them the perfect hour.
  5. Look over your bikini collection. Chose the perfect one.
  6. Perfect evening starts with a warm bath.
  7. Perfect evening ends with a good movie.
  8. Dreamland....Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....
  9. Morning! Rise and shine!
  10. The bus. And your friends. Perfect combo! *KEEP CALM AND COOM SHAKALAKA!* Get off! PUFFFF! And there you are! The land of sapphire! The magical world of the AQUA PARK!!!

See? Isn't it perfect for the very first day of holiday? *giggles* 

Who else agrees with me, raise your hands? *looks around*

So, that's it lil' fireflies,

Kat's Out~~


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Sounds like paradise~
I'm practically living at the beach and my friends swimming pool :3
*giggles* I'm finished with school and then I start my college classes |:<
*doesn't want to join the real adult world* huhu *cries*
Waaa ce bina ti-ai organizat planurile XD Eu nu vreau sa ies din casa! Am sa dorm toata ziua! O sa recuperez tot somnul pierdut in timpul scolii >.<
Felicitari pentru locul I :D
Aqua Park? So chur not coming at beach? /le sniff/
Good thing school is finally over, right?
waah.... have fun x]
though i seriously wouldn't do that
too embarrassed of my own body...
n i'd get killed by my parents..-.-'
I have like a few days of school left then I'm offically not in high school anymore... 2 months and a bit of holiday!! Yes~!
PS. Your plan sounds pretty awesome! :P
lucky! I only got 1 week and 3 days of holiday and already ended last Tuesday -________- Well, have a great time though! :D
i've had vacation for a month already ;D but your plans! omg i wish we had aqua parks in finland:( sadly no. i remember when i was little and we went to varna's aquapark! i loved it~

have a great first day! and CONGRATS FOR YOUR SUCCES!:D I'M SO PROUD *tight hug*

I'll contact you in a few days for our little plan;)

Have fun! :D
I still got school :3 though it's the weekends now (:
lucky youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu >3<
I am locked in my house fighting the hot and throwing up all I ate before >.<
definately not funny.... hope you will pass a good day tomorrow^^