Kat's Discovery! o.O


Hello there^^

Missed me? 'Coz I sure missed you all, lil' fireflies! *giggles* Wondering what I'm doing? Oh well, the school is about to finish here *YAY!* and the weather is freakin' hot @.@ So, not that much to tell, except for the fact that I think I'm going to be first in class...again >////<

But anyway! What I wanted to share with you all, even though I don't know how many of you read my blog posts nowadays...Wait a sec! Has anyone of you seen the drama 'Prosecutor Princess'? If not, you should, if yes, it was great wasn't it? *giggles* Back to the topic, foolish Kat! *smack!* So, what I wanted to tell you...I was surfing around AFF (on a graphic shops chapters) and I found this new fic that guess what? Oh yeah, you guessed right...has the exactly same plot as the drama 'Prosecutor Princess'! Even the title! @.@ Only the characters have changed...o.O So, what do you call this?Plagiarism? And if so, what do you think we should do? I'm asking you, 'coz I have no one else to talk to around here...

So, I'll give you the link to the fic: FIC LINK!

And the link to the drama synopsis if you haven't read it yet: DRAMA SYNOPSIS!

You tell me, is it or is it not plagiarism?

And with that,

Kat's Out~~


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i can't watch it
but i agree
that is some SERIOUS plagratism
some people... so lame=_=
serious plagarism. . .
i liked the drama =.=
have any chapters been posted?? You should check their other stories and see if they are similar to anyone else's. But that's wrong if it is plagiarism.
Well just leave it.cuz she isn't really stealing.anyone.of aff
Stories..besides..she might change somethings..just wait and findout.
I think people should just tell her, but I don't think she's doing real harm.... to be honest, I'm not quite sure what to do, but I would tell Nichiren to make sure.
She should probably credit it. Then again- We use a lot of things we have seen from dramas before. Especially characters we use, We don't own anything except OC's. many people use plots of drama's. I suppose if this gets more noticed it could be considered a problem. as for right now, I'm sure its not. Many people do use plots from drama's on aff. so im sure its okay, as long as she remembers to credit it.
the synopsis on her fic and the web even same --
i think she must credit that
You can tell Nichiren and I guess the rest is up to him :)
predictator #9
LOLOL. I think there are several fics like that! I dunno though, the advice below sounds good 8D
My first drama ever!
Ì have love it

btw, come on how many fics have you read with a girl dressed as a boy in a boyband?
Ì personally don't care about them everyone is free to write about what they want, using a someone else's plot... You can do it but what's the fun and your hard work in it?
just tell her to credit the drama or ...yeah...whuteva
yes, i had watch the drama and i read that they both have the same plot, she should have credit the drama since it also have the same tittle, but i saw that she's just a newcomer in this site so it is best to talk to her about it,
I think it's not, since maybe she's writing the story in a different way and also, there's no one to complain since the writer of Prosecutor Princess(love the drama too!) is already too rich to care if a fanfic is the exact same copy