Never Give Up

Ok so this is totally unrelated to fanfics... But I just have to say that whatever you do, NEVER give up!

I do horse riding as a hobby, and there is this one horse I was so afraid of: the first time I rode him was a total fiasco - I was too afraid to do anything but let the horse just walk, not trot, not canter. But today I rode him again, and he's the sweetest horse I've ever ridden. A little difficult, yeah, but I'm thankful I found the courage to face the challenge and try again :)

Of course my riding wasn't perfect today, but I feel such victory after facing my fear and actually overcoming it.^^ I'll definitely ride him again, if I'm given the chance.

Thank you Snnpahyuk for the picture!


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SuJuFangirling #1
I'm happy you overcame your fear. You are strong! <3
How nice :'(
It's one of my wishes.and the pic is perfect ;)