My Poem

Hi!!.. hehe.. well, today, I wrote an impromptu poem in class for our exams since our teacher told us to write a poem about how we feel on that exact moment... so.. I wrote this one.. hehe... ^_^.. what do you think? is it any good?.. because in three days time, we're going to rewrite it and I want to know your opinion on any revisions of my poem if there are any... hehe.. thanks!!.. .^_^...


Poignant Crescendo

The melancholy of despairing hearts is ever great,

The agony of being alone and solitary,

To submit myself for the demise of eternal wait,

until elation and joy will come through love and beauty.


I feel torment for I am filled with woe and affliction,

And in the abysmal darkness full of heartaches and tears,

I am left alone to suffer much grief and dejection,

For you, my love, leaving me is one of my greatest fears.


Should I relinquish my unrequited love for you?

So I could put and end to my incessant wretchedness.

I knew it was wrong and 'tis a folly to adore you,

But I did nonetheless to feel much bliss and happiness.


And in the end, I feel anguish of loving you,

That same misery which I cannot endure anymore,

Should I give up, should I let go of my love for you?

To ease my suffering and mend my heart that is sore.


(I know!!. I borrowed a part of my title from a fic that I love here.. hehehehe.. .)


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