Application for Hana


AFF Username : Fanatics_ftw

Link: click here <3

The application

Name : Ko Chung Ae

Nickname/Stage Name : CA (stands for Chung Ae)

Birthplace : Ulsan, Korea

Birthday : 4 May 1999

Age [15-20] : 18

Height [cm]: 166cm

Appearance: 1 | 2 | 3

Ulzzang's Name: Kim Shin Yeong

Back-Up Ulzzang, Harajuki or Net Idol : Song Ah Ri

Languages: Korean, Chinese , English

Ethnicity: Korean



Casual [3+]: 1 | 2 | 3  

Formal [3+]: 12 | 3

Training [2+]: 1 | 2

Swimwear [2+]: 1 | 2

Sleepwear [2+]: 1 | 2



Personality : Like her name, she is a very noble person. She loves painting, dancing, rapping, swimming and her favourite thing to do- creeping people out at the subway. When she was in middle school, she and her bestfriend, Hwa Young would go to the subway after school and act like they were in love with a random person. One of the most memorable one when she accidentally acted that she was in love with a man who was seated on one of the benches, who turned out to be the school principal. 

                    Chung Ae can also be very mean when you get on her bad side. She tends to badmouth about you, especially when both of you are in bad terms. But if you are her friend, she would be the nicest person alive. She went as far as buying her friend as iPad.

                    Being a rich person who grew up poor, she donates alot to charity.

                    Chung Ae also doesn't spend much money on herself although she is very rich. She dreams of becoming a famous rapper or dancer in Seoul.

                     In her spare time, she would just lock herself in her room and dance to her heart's content. As long as she has moves in mind and her iPod, food and water is never necessary.

 Background : When she was 6, her family moved to Seoul. She grew up with her sister after her parents were murdered when she was 9. The police were unable to find the murderer despite their hard work. Up until now, Chung Ae is still trying to find the murderer who killed her parents.

Likes [5+] : Swimming, rapping, animals, fruits, computers

Dislikes [5+]: Disgusting toilets, itchy beds, broccolis, scary dentists and dark places.

Habits [5+]: bites lip when nervous, plays with fingers when bored, jump around when excited, pouts when sad and does aegyo when asking for a favour.

Hobbies [5+]: Reading, swimming, dancing, rapping, scaring people at the subway

Favourite food: Chocolate

Favourite lesson in school: Art

Favourite colour: Baby pink

Favourite holiday destination: Singapore

Favourite korean drama: Playful Kiss

Favourite handphone brand: Samsung


Family Background : Her parents were murdered when she was 9. She then grew up with her sister. Her sister supports their lives while working three jobs- Cashier at a pharmacy, boutique and MacDonalds.

Parents [name/age/job/personality] :

Mother- Cho Hye Su/49/Nurse/Caring

Father- Kim Jin Sang/50/Airplane Pilot/Strict

 Siblings: Sister- Kim Myung Hee/34/Model/Loving



Your Current Status:Taken

Friends[name/age/job/how you met]:

Soo Young/22/Singer/met at an SNSD concert. Sooyoung accidentally bumped into you. You panicked since she was your bias. She apologized but you were just grinning all the way. She thought your reaction was funny. After concert, you met again. Both of you had a little chat an became friends. 

Best Friend [name/age/job/how you met etc]:

Seungri/22/Singer/He knew you had a crush on G-dragon before GD and you dated. He helped give you some tips to help you get along with GD and helped you alot to get with GD since you were his crush's bestfriend.

 Love [name/age/job/how you met etc]: G-Dragon/24/Singer/Seungri had introduced you to him and gave you tips on how to get his attention. After years of being good friends, both of you finally confessed and started dating.


How were you discovered?

Position : Please highlight the ones you want. High light in green which one you want the most and then highlight in yellow the one you liked second.

  • Leader, Lead Vocalist- this will be picked on personality
  • Maknae, Main dancer, Vocalist, Sub Rapper - this will be picked on personality
  • Sub Dancer, Main Vocalist
  • Vocalist, Lead Rapper
  • Main Rapper, Lead Dancer

Persona : Creepy sweetheart

Personal Fan Club : CAsters.

Personal Fan Club Color  :           

Extra Jobs : Model

Trainee Years : 5 years.

Trainee days: When Chung Ae first started training, many other idols would support her except for IU. For some reason, IU had always hated her. Chung Ae's trainer who is fully aware about IU's attitude towards her advised Chung Ae to do her best and prove to IU that she can be a famous person. There were times when IU would simply insult her and there were times when IU flashed her a hatred face when seen talking to GD on the phone. Chung Ae hates IU and would flinch whenever she hears IU's name, be it on radio,telivision or anywhere, especially since there were rumours saying that GD was dating IU. She refuses to believe the rumour and knows that GD won't do such a thing.

Country you came from: South Korea

Did you get plastic surgery?: Oh god no. Of course not.



Suggestions : Love Love Love (FTisland) ? lols idk

 Suggestion for fanclub name: HANAters ? oh god im awful for fanclub names -.-


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KeyGal #1
-"When Chung Ae first started training, many other idols would support her except for IU. For some reason, IU had always hated her. Chung Ae's trainer who is fully aware about IU's attitude towards her advised Chung Ae to do her best and prove to IU that she can be a famous person. There were times when IU would simply insult her and there were times when IU flashed her a hatred face when seen talking to GD on the phone. Chung Ae hates IU and would flinch whenever she hears IU's name, be it on radio,telivision or anywhere, especially since there were rumours saying that GD was dating IU. She refuses to believe the rumour and knows that GD won't do such a thing."-

You don't know how hard i laughed when i read this. Like honestly. I laughed and then i read it again and laughed even harder.
KeyGal #2
im chuffed. honestly. she has some story. I was laughing at bits and gasping at bits and then confused at bits, but thats not ur fault at all. I shouldve added some stuff. anyways, first with the unfortunaties, u sort of got formal clothes slightly right. the first outfit was great, but then the other two seemed just just fancy and pretty casual clothes. also, the languages u used were the exact same that the other applicant used. But it doesnt matter, that aint a biggie. Just comment after with a new language. The more creative u r the better! Hana is like an international group!

Now, onto the goodies. This was seriously good! Her background is so sad, but yet its got a good story going for it. When i read applicants, i search for spice, u know, to see if i can see a story running in my head. Luckily, for u, i saw one. Also, dang! she's tall, well i dont know how tall is tall, i really just compare them to the height of shinee. Forgive me. So, im kind of getting the feel of ur character. It says shes a rapper, but she looks sweet and is very noble, so its quite a surprise. So she's a very rhthymic girl.

Just a couple of questions. Why is her fanclub called starlights? the fanclub shud connect to the character and i dont know how it does.

this wasn't put in there, but please just write a comment on what her trainee days were like. How was she treated and all. You know? Bcuz ill be writing about the trainee days as well.

Also, do you have a fanclub name for HANA? it'd be great if u cud let me no.

Lastly, gosh, this is long, but there is an offer going on. I put up a second chapter as a teaser. I wrote that Eunhyuk from Super Junior passes by one of the girls on the way to the practise room. If you want to be that girl, then just comment on the fanfic saying that u do. But if u dont know him, its alguds. The girl chosen will be the girl hu's application i favor a lot.

Thanks for applying! Dont forget: starlight reason and trainee days. THANK YOU :)))