The Legend of the Dragonborns


The Legend of the Dragonborns

Shardinae Li


About the User

Username: b2stkiseobness

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About the Character

Name: Shardinae Li

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Tribe: The Ved


Personality: Shardinae, or Blue as she likes to be called, is known around her tribe as the y dragon...but not for that reason. They say that because she has this firey gaze that could melt the hearts of everyone. She is also known to be their secret weapon. Her father trained her hard, took her out for a daily kill, tought the fighting arts and how to wield her very first weapon, a fire-and-ice hand made sword, and a collection of guns. She is a cold-hearted killer that shows no mercy for her prey. She is also known to be the most psychotic in tribe, so they already know that as soon as she gets her weapon, no one is safe...except her tribe that is. She has a crazy-in-a-good-way personality that makes everyone laugh. She does not act her age when around her friends, and little kids, even animals. She loves playing in the rain, something her mother always does when she's bored. Now, with all that put aside, people has said that she is the next one to be a warrior...a true blood dragonborn legend....all thanks to her fathers hard-working, and her mothers constant nagging- and of course the worry of her grandmother and grandfather, friends, her two older brothers and sisters.

likes: Dragons-Pandas-Weapons-fruit-children-candy

dislike: Pears-bugs-clutter-coconut-birds

Habits: Squinting-spacing out-daydreaming

Powers: Manipulater of Dreams-Blockout Mind Controle and Mind Reader-Unknown power

Type: Dragonborn/ Warrior

Your Dragon Partner : Lee Chi Hoon


                                      He's known to be The Ved's bad boy. They say by one glance at Blue,

                                      he followed her like a love sick puppy. But that's not true. Since her father

                                      started training her, Chihoon, who likes to also be called Jaguar, was always with

                                      her, helping her, or just hanging out. His mom said it was destined for them to be

                                      partners, so, one day, they ended up being partners. They were excited, and so was he.

                                      They've been best friends since the age of 2 or 3.


Parents:Nikui Li/37/Mom/alive

           Mileek Li/38/Dad/alive

Siblings:Aiden Li/19/bro/alive

           Eeden Li/18/bro/alive

           Tula Li/17/sis/alive

            Miku Li/17/sis/alive

History: They always helped one another, no matter what the situation was. They made sure everyone was alright.They are friendly and caring ppeople who are loved by all. It runs in their family tree that the fifth sibling, being the youngest of the children, would be chosen as legend on a rainy day. That is what happend to Blue. Her other siblings are dragonborn,  too, they just have different powers and abilities, one of them being unknown. They would help any way they could, and would keep a watch out. It was in their families history. The history repeats itself, whether it is for the better, or the worse.


Love Interes? : Yes

Love: Her partner Jaguar, otherwise known as Chihoon 

Personality: He seems shy and innocent at first glance, but truth be told, he is not. Well, yea he's shy...just not innocent. He's the bad boy of The Ved tribe, a total rebel said to have run away from where those people at the snow white mountain tops in that tribe, But The Ved brought him in with open arms.



Name of person used: Kim Shin Yeong



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good it's okay this way
you have to put in a real dragon as your partner. he can have Chihoon as his Human appearance but he has to be a Dragon