We got a family! application


Application Form –

AFF Name:cantresistTAEMtation

Profile Link:Click me *giggle*

OC’s Name: Lily, Kim Jihae

DOB : December 18, 1992

Age : American age-18 (Baekhyun's age is 19 in American age)

Korean age- 20

Nicknames : Umma!, Lily lala loo

Occupation : Trainee in S.M. entertainment, Works part time in a bakery.

Ulzzang: Do BokSoon- [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Back Up Ulzzang: Jung Sung Ah- [1] [2] [3]

Personality : Lily has a very weak spot for puppy eyes (She ends up spoiling her younger sister). She is very caring for her family and friends and can't help but to nag a bit at them. She makes sure that they have thick sweaters or jackets on when it's cold out. She'll bring a first aid kit with her everywhere and some snacks. LIly can't stand messy-ness and will clean if it's dirty, no matter what you do to stop her. Her morning schedule is waking up at 6:00a.m. and going out for a morning jog then showering and then making breakfast. If she doesn't do this, she'll be really cranky. She can't stand bad hygiene but isn't very rude about it, she'll just avoid that person. She is easily persuaded. She will believe any rumors going on (sometimes even about herself!) She's really gullible and isn't very comfortable with sarcasim. She can never tell if your sarcastic or being truthful. Lily is still sensitive in heart but she tends to not show it a lot. She acts like she's okay when she's not. (well, doesn't everybody? lol) But she can only take in enough until she explodes.

She gets flustered easily when she's really close to a guy. Her face turns really red and she starts shuttering. But once you get trust from her, you see the fun side of her. She has a humor that is to die for and does a good impersonation of IU. Only her close friends call her Lily lala loo because they only get to see the goofy side of her. Lily tends to trip in the most important events (like walking up to get her diplomat when she graduated high school). When she's nervous, her legs tend to shake a lot which cause her to trip a lot. When lily is embarassed, she'll turn into a tomato. Lily likes running when she's mad to get all of her feelings out. When she's pissed off, she'll ignore the person and give them the silent treatment. She'll never break a pinky promise, ever. She doesn't like to believe in reality and is always dozing off in her own little world, it takes a while for her to come back down to earth.

Background : She first lived in Daegu, South korea until she was 7, then her family's company was doomed and her family had no choice but to move to America, where her grandparents and cousins were at. Her mom found out that her dad was cheating on her and divorced him when Lily was 10. She didn't really like her dad because he was into gambling and would always fight with her mom. Her dad went off to korea to live with another girl. Her mom had a hard time supporting lily and her sisters because her dad never paid Child Support. Lily felt bad for her mom and always was good in school and would clean the house (she's a clean freak haha). When lily was 12, she was introduced to K-Pop. She fell in love with it and she wanted to audition for S.M. entertainment. Luckily, the entertainment held an audition in New york (where she lived at the time). She auditioned and got into call backs. As lily signed the contract, she swore to become famous so that her dad will beg to see her, and when he does, she'll ignore him and act like she doesn't know him. Her mom was very supportive on her dream and always encouraged her to sing. Lily has been a trainee there since she was 15. Obviously she had to move to South korea to train. She lived in a dorm with a bunch of girls that were also trainees that were from america. She's been living there ever since

Hobbies : 

  • Singing
  • Cooking
  • Baking
  • Cleaning
  • Taking care of people


  • When she's mad, she'll run a lot.
  • When lily's in a messy house, she ends up cleaning it
  • When she's sad, she'll just duck her head and be silent
  • when she's bored, she'll pufff up air onto her bangs
  • When she's laughing, she'll cover with her hand.

Likes : 

  • Being Organized
  • Green tea Bubble tea
  • Singing
  • Cooking for others
  • Kpop
  • Babies
  • Morning showers
  • Morning Jogs


  • The smell of rotten food
  • Taking out Trash
  • Dirty Hygiene
  • Waking up late
  • Getting hurt
  • rumors


( Clickeee meee~~)

(click meeee)

Love Interest: Byun Baekhyun- He is always playing with Lincoln and Alyena. He showers them with love and attention. He may spoil them just a bit but not a lot. He is very caring and funny. He easily makes someone smile or laugh. He is always there for Lily and the kids. He treat them like his own children. He gets jealous easily but doesn't like to show it a lot.

Back Up Love Interest: D.O.- He's very shy. He'll first be uncomfortable with the children hugging him and talking to him but he gets used to them. He is very active and will get anything for Lincoln and Alyena.

Sehun- He's really immature and childish. It feels like to lily like she's taking care of three children instead of two. He is always smiling and will play a lot with the children. Sehun can whine and complain a lot but lily gets used to him. She sometimes jokingly treats him as a baby too, like spoonfeeding him, or ruffling his hair or giving him a lolipop. It makes the kids giggle at their relationship.


  • Lily has a micro pig named Choco Monkey
  • Lily has a younger sister.
  • Her favorite colors are Orange and Light Green
  • She is afraid of her pulse and doesn't like to feel pulses
  • Lily hates getting shots
  • Her favorite icecream is Dip and Dots ice cream.
  • She goes with the motto - Smile because the world's such a beautiful place and there's so much to smile about.
  • Her lucky number is the number 8.
  • She was born in Stanten Island, New york.
  • Her blood type is A


Lincoln: Half korean, half russian; Age- 4;  Link-[1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Alyena: Half Korean, Half American; age-6; link-[1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Them together- click meee~

Password: WhatsApp ID- LilyLala, Twitter ID- ChocoMonkey4eva

Suggestions/Comment: Good luck! and i hope you pick me! btw, i love you story plot :D


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Thanx for applying..just one question..what would be the family name fir the kids and which obe is the older sibling?? Is it the girl??