Tagged~ 0.0

Oh boy~  I never get tagged for things, I'm surprised XD    But I was tagged by GDonTOP ^_^


rule one | post the rules
rule two | answer the set of questions the tagger set for you in their post (it'll be at the bottom) and then after, make your own eleven questions
rule three | tag eleven people and link them to your post
rule four | let them know you tagged them!



1) Who was your first crush (IRL or celeb, dun matter), and what attracted you to them? - Oh, .. um.. -laughs- .. That would be back in 3rd grade, some boy in my class. I have no idea what made them so special, but I can remember that was my first real crush.

2) What’s your middle name? - ... Brooks TT  .. not Brooke.. Brooks.. like freaking Garth Brooks TT   ... apparently I'm named after my great aunt, Brooks Louvesia.. quite a name~ XD

3) If the moon was made of spare ribs, would you eat it? (I know I would). - .. I dunno.. I've never had ribs in my life, so.. XD

4) Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like? -  I've been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that?

5) What is the meaning of life? - No friggin idea~ .. I think even if I knew, it would be too much to comprehend, and my brain would explode -nods-

6) Who is your OTP, and why? - GTOP XD ... The just get together so well.. and I mean, they both get along with everyone else, but it just seems like with those two there could be a pontential for somethng more~ XD

7) You can either watch your OTP make-out/get it on, or you can make-out/get it on with your bias. Choose wisely. - ... well, XD ... Since my bias is a tie between GD and TOP, does that mean I get to make out with the both of them? ... can I just turn this into a three some? .. I mean.. /totally innocent/ XD

8) Two trains left a station at the same time. One travelled north at a certain speed and the other travelled south at twice the speed. After 4 hours, the trains were 600 miles apart. How fast was each train moving? - ... It's been over 6 years since I was in high school, my poor brain can't handle math like that anymore XD

9) Which do you prefer: reading fic or writing it? POR QUE? (That means ‘why’ in Spanish, y’all) - .. Depends on my mood.. I love writing it, but its hard for me to get inspired..

10) Do these jeans make my look big? - ... Not at all~ ... unless that's what you're going for, in which case, yes XD

11) If you could be the first person on Mars, but it would be a one-way trip, would you go? Why or why not? - .. Nah.. No real reason.. just wouldnt interest me.. plus if youre the first person, chances are that things could go wrong along the way... I'll stay here where its safe -nods-


... Anddddd I'm too brain dead to think up new questions or tag people~


.... I realllly want to update Dumbfounded, but I've had so much damn drama going on in my life that I just dont have it in me. 

I think what I need to start doing is writing things out all in one go, then just uploading bits and pieces.. that way everyones not stuck siting and waiting like this... TT


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I think I'm also going to make a fic dump post, where I can stick the bits and pieces of stories I have not and may never finish. I gots lots of 'em...