Tagged by girlfriendkissme. I've just found it. haha


rule one | post the rules
rule two | answer the set of questions the tagger set for you in their post (it'll be at the bottom) and then after, make your own eleven questions
rule three | tag eleven people and link them to your post
rule four | let them know you tagged them!

girlfriendkissme's question:

1)Whats variety shows that you really love to watch???

Running Man, Shinhwa Broadcast, Hello Baby, Ranking King and many more :)

2)Why do you like Kpop??

I just love them.

3)What group do you really hate???list ONE only.

No offense, I can't choose between Rainbow and Girls Day. Sorry. :(

4)Whats aff story that you really like to read???

Currently is The Raven and the Dove

5)Which new group that you think the best??

There's alot but maybe Exo and B.A.P.

6)Who is your favourite bias??

Lee Howon :))

7)What group do you think the most popular right now???

Exo (Obviously), Infinite and Big Bang and Shinee.

8)What will you do if someone talked bad things about korean(ex:korean guy looks gay..)????

Depends who talked about it. If someone I know, I just kept quiet and act like I didn't hear anything. If strangers, kept quiet while cursing mentally and keep on staring at the person.

9)What is your reaction if your bias hug you???

I'm sure my checks are red and I'll be smiling like a fool while hugging back awkwardly.

10) What's your ideal type??you can list it by name if you want...:D

Onew - Shinee

Hoya - Infinite

Lee Jangwoo - Actor

11)How do you know about AFF??

I found it while searching for fanfics in google and found AFF. I was curious so I read one of the story and found out it was a rated story -.-'

My questions:

1) List down your 5 top groups that you like.

2) List down 5 of your biases.

3) Why do you like your 5 biases?

4) Who would you choose to be your husband?

5) Who's your favourite author in AFF?

6) Do you ever feel regret joining AFF?

7) What's your favourite song currently?

8) Do your friends know you read ?

9) Have you ever dream of your top biases?

10) Yes or No, you don't dare to tell your friends your bias cause you have the same bias as your friends.


Tagged : girlfriendkissme - KamiliaBBC - ExoticBabyPlusBBC - kerorokeroro13 - U-kiss_Mikan - aryanafx - wonjana - macaronisalad10 


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