f(x)- Electric Shock

I think I just died a little on the inside...In a good way, of course! Finally my wonderful f(x) babies are back! This song is freaking awesome & catchy. And the music video is amazing. <3
Not really diggin' Victoria's blonde hair, but oh well. She's still lookin' gorgeous as ever.
Am I the only one who doesn't like Sulli's bangs? I mean, I know she's had them for a while now, but I just like her without the bangs better. Meh, whatever, just my opinion. 
& woah! My baby Luna is lookin' super freaking beautiful! Ugh, she's so so pretty. Her voice sounds amazing too. She never fails to amuse me<3
And Amber got some singing lines! Awww snaps! 's gon' go dowwnnn! Haha (: I'm super glad, though. & her contacts are lookin' super funky! Lovin' it!
Krystal of course looks super pretty, like always(:

Overall this was awesome. I'm totally digging this song. I'm super glad f(x) is back. 


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KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAH, wow it's been a long time!
<3 f(x)!!!