
I don't know if I should be sharing my dream last night. For those who would take some of their precious time to read this, thank you :)

Okay, so this is a dream, wherein Keeper can see another Keeper in the dream. It is like I am the invisible, third person.

Shall I start?


The dream begins with a girl playing a pixie flute under the orange skies. The pixie flute has the ability to summon beasts or animals depending on the sounds produced. Suddenly, the sky grew dark and the pixie flute was taken away from her by force. She cries out for help and miles away, I saw another me waking up inside a dorm room. It was obvious enough that she heard the girl's cry so I watched as the other me sneaked out of the room. It was really dark and I floated above her, as she walked down the dirt road, Just as she was about to enter the forest, an old guy suddenly appeared in front of us. He had this stern look on his face and he had an evil aura surrounding him.

"Teacher," I heard the other me gasp. 

"What do you think you are doing this late hour?"

"Someone took the pixie flute... I have to help her find it..." she reasoned.

But the teacher didn't believe her. Instead, she was sent back to the academy and faced her in front of the council. She stated her case but no one believed her. I felt something odd about the elders. And I was right. They were responsible for the loss of the pixie flute. They surrounded her, their hands clawed to grab her.

The other me then raised her hand and said, "Control!"

In an instant, I saw her control their movements and she escaped.

I don't know how long or far she went but when she stopped, I found ourselves in a very familiar place. We were at my aunt's house...before it was renovated. It was then that I had a good look on my other self's face. She looked a lot younger, with shorter hair. We were at the balcony and I know she couldn't see me.

A dashing guy suddenly appeared like in animes. He has shiny black hair that extended to his shoulders. The other me told him about what happened and he, much to my surprise, believed her. The guy then took her hand and led her (with me following) to a harbor. I could see people in Hawaiian shorts and lays pass by. I heard the guy say that they were in Hawaii (so i was in hawaii, lol) and that the girl was held captive there.

I don't know how I know but I just did know that the girl was in one of the yachts. One of the boats started moving and I knew we wouldn't make it (Yes, I decided to help the other me and the guy in my dream, lol). The two ran towards a cliff, while I flew above them. In the back of my head, I was saying "No... no... you are not going to jump. It only happens in movies." And just as I thought, those two jumped... and safely landed on the yacht.

While the other me freed the captives, including the girl, the guy fought against the bad guys.

We sailed away from the island and I didn't know where we were heading. I finally caught sight of another land at a distance. The yacht stopped a few meters away and they jumped into the water, walking towards the sandy beach. 

To my surprise, it was a desert island. Hot wind blew carrying dust/sand. They haven't even made it away from the shore when a group of men in uniform came and captured them.

I was screaming my head off, "Not again!!," extremely worried for the other me.

They weren't men. They were actually guys in their teens or early twenties wearing a blue and white attire, that looked like a Gundam pilot's uniform.

I didn't see where they have taken the others, but the other me was locked up inside an air-conditioned room with a single bed on the side.

The door opened and a guy came in, shutting the door close behindhim. He was one of them, judging from his attire. 

What confused me were the words he said.

"What are you doing here? You are not supposed to be here," his voice was filled with worry and concern, as also reflected in his face.

"Are you crazy?! You were the ones who captured her!" I stared down at the guy. (Yes, Keeper is still floating in the air, arms crossed and she is enjoying it. But they can't see or even hear me ^^")

He hugged me... her... suddenly and whispered, "I'll take you out of here. Don't worry, I'll protect you."

"Yo, girl. Why are you letting him hug you? me? you?" (I couldn't help but feel a little embarassed, angry and confused about the situation.)

The guy (apparently, he is so cute, hihi) held her hand and led her through the winding corridors and down the stairs, hiding every now and then. He opened another door and I saw the ground. It was dark for it to be outside

"Follow the train tracks and it will lead you outside," he instructed, looking deeply into her eyes. The other me nodded and thanked him. But I don't think she knows him. She looked just as confused as I was. But she did what she was told.

The place looked like an old underground mine. Then just ahead of us, I saw five individuals who I recognized to be the ones inside the yacht with us, ride a rusty cart. The moment all of them hopped inside it, the railroad tracks gave in and they fell into the dark abyss.

Goosebumps erupted in my skin and I saw my other self, terrified as well. The ground then shook and she ran as fast as she could, with me flying behind her.

A burst of light from the sun told me that we finally made it out alive. And the building behind us collapsed into ruins. I wasn't gonna let the other me die in my dream, lol.

She dragged her feet in the hot sand and I could see how tired she was. Walking for a few miles, we spotted an odd tall building at a distance. We approached it and saw that it was still under construction... at least the top floors weren't finished yet.

Her hand was about to knock at the wooden door when it was suddenly opened. And to my relief, I saw the familiar faces of the people I missed in my dream. My parents, aunts and uncles, cousins and even my sister were all there and ushered her in. 

I followed them as they ascended the flight of stairs. We reached the spacious living room and then I noticed there were other people inside. My eyes twitched recognizing the uniforms. Not only that, that guy popped out of nowhere once again and hugged her as if it was the most natural thing to do. "I'm glad you are safe," he said with eyes closed.

The entire time, he stuck to her like glue, following her around, with me floating from behind. I can't seem to go far from her anyway. Like, I wasn't allowed to. Then, I noticed that her hair was longer. I looked at my other self, and I knew she was older than the present me. I wasn't comfortable seeing them together so I just lazily floated above.  

I heard low voices, whispering to each other, so I swooped down and saw  a bunch of girls, their eyes narrowing at the other me. "Ever since she came here, he never left her side. Who does she think she is?"

Then, I heard the other guys say, "It's just that the girls were used to having his attention. But now that she is here, it will change."

What is happening? Should I know him?

The other me was talking with my cousins when one of those jealous girls approach her. "We want burgers. We are hungry. Can you buy for us?" 

Oh, how I wanted to grab that girl's hair. How dare you order me... her around? Who do you think you are?!


I almost fell hearing my other self's reply. She was even smiling at that annoying brat. Am I this kind? lol xD

"I'll go with you." He offered.

I knew the girls were up to something so I was somehow relieved to hear him say that.

"Oh, no need. I can go by myself." 

What?! What are you saying?!! Seriously, I'm driving myself crazy.

To make things worse, the others started giving out her orders. "How about you?" I saw her ask my... our younger sister who just nodded, "One for me."

If this was really me, there is only one fast food chain she would go to for burgers. And what do you know? She entered McDonald's and don't ask me how we got there. We just did, lol xD

A lot of accidents happened, I thought that we won't even bring back the food. After eons, lol, she finally stepped out with two huge paper bags. 

The moment we made it inside, we heard a voice call her name. It came from one of the rooms. There were two girls inside. They said they were hungry and thirsty. And the kind or rather... idiotic other me, gave them some burgers and even went to the kitchen for their water. She doesn't even know where the glasses were kept. I watched as she opened the cabinets one by one.

She gave them their drinks. One girl, after taking a sip, said, "You are really kind. We will let you go now."

What do you mean let her go?! It is really is frustrating to be invisible in your own dream.

The other me smiled at them once again. Seriously. I need to have her checked by a psychiatrist. 

When we both arrived at the dining area, we saw plates with some left overs. They have already eaten. I knew it. They just wanted her out of the house.

She placed the paper bags in the table and still offered the burgers. Her sister and cousins were the first ones to come to her. They haven't eaten yet. They were waiting for her. 

"So, I guess everybody else has eaten," she said, taking the burgers out one by one.

"No. _________ hasn't eaten yet. He was waiting for you," I turned around to see my cousin Seth. (it is blank cause I don't remember his name, you'll know why.)

"It is better if you were the one who would bring his cheeseburger. He is at the tennis court," he adds.

This actually bothered me. Why would my cousin say that?

My answer was answered when memories of us together flashed right before me. Apparently, he is my boyfriend. 

A smile swept across her face and dashed out of the room carrying the cheese burger. She must have seen it too.

(In reality, the tennis court is outside the mansion. Yes, my uncle has his own tennis court. But in this weird dream, it was in one of the top floors, lol)

Once again, I followed her as she ran up the stairs. One of those uniformed guys was going down at the same time. She stopped to bow and smile at him and the guy did the same.

"Have you seen..."


"Ohhh...Well, I..."

"Just turn left and you'll find him there."

"Okay, thanks."

We reached the tennis court and four guys were looking back at her. She was still holding the cheeseburger, not moving. Her eyes were scanning each of them.

And I was really confused. I turned to look at 'my boyfriend' and I saw the sad look in his face. He lowered his head and the other guys looked away. I flew in front of my other self, worried as to why she didn't go to him.

Then, I heard her inner voice say, "What am I doing here? Who am I supposed to give this to?"


The end.



My door opened and I saw my mom telling me that she is leaving for church and that I should get up. lol xD

So, I can't remember his name...

And his image is slowly being erased in my mind as I am writing this...

I wonder what happened to the pixie flute... hmmm...



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Accidentally_in_love #1
Lol! I love this dream, and at least it has a proper story to it. My ones usually make absolutely no sense at all!! XD
haha.. your dream is weird and confusing like most dreams are, but definitely amusing! haha. at least it was better than mine. mine totally didn't make sense and i think i was going to die in it when i woke up.. lol.
What an interesting dream. WOW