Rule One | Post the rules.

Rule Two | Answer the set of questions the tagger set for you in their post (it'll be at the bottom) and then after, make your own eleven questions

Rule Three | Tag eleven people and link them to your post.

Rule Four | Let them know you tagged them!


tagged by: purpleturtle 


1) If you could switch bodies with any Kpop idol, who would it be? & why?

TVXQ's manager. I don't want to switch body with any of them, because I want to get to know them very much, stalk them close, every day....huhuhu

2) Who is THE CUTEST Kpop idol ever? It can be a guy or a girl.

I'll say ShiNee, but the HOTTEST would always be TVXQ and JYJ. 

3) Which Kpop artist has the nicest hair??? (I know....it's random)

Jung Yunho TVXQ.... his hair style never fail to impress me....

4) If you could have class with any Kpop idol, who would it be and which class?

Shim Changmin and math class, that way I can ask him questions and grab the chance to talk to him....

5) What is one paring you just can't ship?

None, cause I love all of them..~for TVXQ and JYJ only~

6) If you could live with any Kpop group for a year (in their dorm) who would it be?

My bias of course, Shim Changmin

7) Do you still like your 1st Kpop crush? Please mention who it is too.

Yes, still deeply in love with him. Shim Changmin

8) What's your favorite fanfic genre?

9) Do you know all the lyrics to a Korean song? If so, which one?


10) Who would you like to be best friends with?

Kim Junsu, I think he's cute and happy-go-lucky guy. He must fun to be with.

11) Who would you like to marry?

Shim Changmin, because I bet he must have cute children, judging from his childhood pictures.



My Question

1) What makes you like K-pop in the first place? And which group was it?

2) Whose your bias? What makes you fall for him/her in the first place?

3) Which pairing did you find it to be the most ADORABLE?

4) The best storyline in fanfiction that you find the most interesting? just give the summary, no need the whole plot

5) What do you wish for your bias? Meeting them? Have a happy family? Up to you...

6) If you were able to meet your bias, what would you do?

7) If you could switch bodies with any Kpop idol, who would it be? & why?

People I tagged:












purpleturtle -I can tag you back right????


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