I come on this site to read the new update for, "My Best Friend." I leave a comment and go to help take out the trash with my mom.


Then I find this blog post that says, "The real Bridget. (Wirtten by her horrible cousin.)" I ask Megan who has been scrunched up on my comfy chair should I say, emo. [I guess...btw, she was sleeing over.]


I take a look at the blog post and read the whole thing.


My face --> D}:< + O: = use your imagination


Just...just wow Megan. Why? WHY? That's very immature of you to do. You're older than me too! WTF.

Im so effin mad right now. Jesus, I...I....ARGH.


I apologize to every one of you guys here that you have to see this fight, her confession, my anger towards her.




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I'm a lil angry too... and sad :*(