How do you tell a Priest that you write gay love stories? //laughs awkwardly.

It has a new URL for my personal Tumblr!

Follow me if you would like to. :))


Funfact: I went to a wedding today for the first time (and we arrived 10 minutes late because we are stupid) and at the reception me and my mum were talking to the preist (personally I'm not religious but I'm not going to judge him because of his religion, he was really nice and friendly~) and he asked me what I liked to do and I said I loved to write. 

Now my mum knows that I write and post things online but she doesn't know what I write and she repects that I don't want her to read what I've written since she says that we all have secret lives and need privacy etc. And I'm always telling my mum whenever I've got new comments or subscribers because I always get really excited~ (see what you all do to me?!)

Anyway, my mum basically told the priest proudly that I post things online for others to read and then the priest looked down at me (he was tall, not condescending) and asked what type of things I wrote. I didn't have the courage to say 'gay love stories' in front of a priest and my mother so I was just like "...adventure?" and then I laughed awkwardly. ._. He seemed impressed, haha (then he started talking about Jane Austen for ages?)~ It wasn't a total lie, I mean, the couples are treking through the adventure of their complicated gay relationship scenarios...right?



I can't write anymore of my FF's right now because I'm on a different computer and what I have already is sitting on my computer at home. ;_;

I can update on hmm, Thursday? That might be when my new oneshot is coming out too.

Thursday seems far away...but I have big maths exams on the Monday and Wednesday. *cries a thousand tears*

But the good thing is that after the exams I then have a whole week at home (ie, writing fanfics) before my next exam! Which is Science so I don't even need to revise that much...anyway I am being boring, haha~ I will write a lot of TMISY from Thursday onwards! Also on Thursday I will FINALLY update Smile For Me, I've been pushing myself to do that for a while. xD 


Thank you everyone who has subscribed to me! :) 


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LMFAO. You just got me RLAB on my bed early in the morning.
The genre you write about sure is adventure. When two confused boys are finding their way out of the "tunnel" and emerging from the dark where they realize that all they feel for the other is real and not just some joke or anything. LOL. Good thinking! I would be dumbstruck if people ask me what I write about.
WOW HAHAHAH What would happen if you DID SAY THAT!!!
XD Nice cover!!
uyongunho #3
LMAO gosh that's sooo funny,,it'll be more funnier if u said it is a gay story XDD
--minyoungiie #4
oh gosh,girl,u are uh0mazing!
hha,Ill try that,
Omg. You're awesome hahahahaha lmfao :D
LOL! Adventure~ I couldn't even tell my older brother about the things I read on here! XD Which are all or yuri by the way lolol.
Yay! Smile for me! Yayayayay! I love that story!
I had to hold my laughter so I wouldn't wake up my mom :)
I have situations similar to this. I love to write by hand, so I need new note-books in school all the time. So my teacher asks me what it is I write in them, and I only aanswer english. So when she asks if she can read it I have to come up with a lame excuse like "it's not finished" or something. I did turn in a lighter BL story (no scenes) to my Swedish teacher and she actually liked it... O.o
But I've never talked about it with a priest really. Just that I go to church sometimes with my mom (I'm not religious, I just love free food^^), so I sit in the back and write on my stories, and afterwards some people comeup to me and asks me about it and I just say that it is homework... is that an okay excuse? O.o
lmao that's a hilarious situation XD
Thats funny :D
I just can't stop laughing because it sounds like me. My priest asked the same question and I was like 'Romance and wouldn't like it.' And he agreed because he hates romance stories.
jazzehchan #11
omfg this made me laugh for some reason lmfao