Eden Academy - App


Eden Academy Application 



Lee Da Som




 contact info

aff username: --icecream--

aff profile linkgimmeattention!




 basic profile

nameEmiko Im Jin Ae


                   Human age – 16

                   Real age – 69

ethnicity50% Korean 50% Japanese (she’s following her adopted family)

languagesKorean – Fluent

                      Japanese – Fluent

                      English – Conversational



 character in depth


strive for perfection | Common in many blood type As, she wants and expects perfection, especially from herself. This perfectionist personality of hers is usually observed in the little things she does everyday. For example, she recently perfected her handwriting. While going for perfection, she always tries her hardest. Perseverance can be seen, a common trait in little people. She rarely gives up. When she fails, she tries again and again till she reaches her limit. However, this doesn’t apply to studies.

don’t go | It isn’t a phobia, but it makes her lose a sense of safety. What is it? It isn’t exactly fear of abandonment, more of being comfortable when familiar people are around her. They don’t have to converse with her. Just staying beside and not leaving is already a relief for Jin Ae. She tags along with her friends most of the time, just to prevent loneliness.

understood | Her special way of interpreting and thinking often causes her misunderstandings. Once she starts thinking about something, the topics grow more diverse. For example, she may interpret acts of a mother feeding the younger sibling food first as biased. Then she goes on thinking about what would happen if he own parents were like that, would she try to commit suicide because of bias overload? Her thoughts are negative.

problem sum | Communicating with others has always been a problem for her. She has a very, very soft voice. That makes it difficult for others to hear what she has to say. Her attempts to raise her voice so others can listen mostly fail. In the end, she just waves her hands and say ‘Nothing.’ She has difficulty in transferring her thoughts to words understandable by others. Thus, she always mutters her thoughts

my own little world |How much she rates the reality is not high. Hence, she prefers to go off into her own imaginations. In there, fantasy comes alive, romance everywhere and the most important thing of all, it’s perfect. She has various ideas, due to her imaginative skills. She’s an idea bank, literally.

articifial | Her disguise contains the trait ‘thoughtful’. She takes into mind how actions will affect others, considers others’ feelings. Once again, she thinks deeply about the consequences. Her carefree self does appear in her true personality sometimes. Worrying about exams and stuff is for others, not her. She has no care about things happening around her, taking it in positively. She usually is the one who calms down her friends, considering how happy-go-lucky she is.

masquerade | The truth – her high sensitivity, emotionally. Sarcasm directed at her, bullets to heart. It may seem like nothing to her easy-going persona, but it would be the root to something worse. She has made numerous attempts to hide her real emotions, store them away. But it seems that the drawer is broken – it cannot be closed completely. Once in a while, the drawer bursts, unable to contain anymore problems and sorrows. That’s when her dark side comes out.

shadows take over | Shaking uncontrollably, screaming out her sadness are just the beginning of the dark period. Following, she becomes sadistic, loving the torturous feeling of hurting herself physically. The more she bleeds, the happier she is. In this state, she may send herself to the other world. Her gift goes haywire. How to stop her? Just trap her in a cage made by fellow edensand knock her unconscious. It may sound as easy as abc, but it isn’t. Remember, she’s an eden too.


background: Jin Ae is of unknown birth. She was left bawling under a bridge. A kind Samaritan, the orphanage’s owner was to take her back as an orphan. Since then, she has been residing in the lovely cottage situated in the abandoned countryside, along with a few others. However, unlike now where she tries hard to always be with someone, she wanted loneliness back then. She was always in her imaginations, silently thinking by the window. One could hear her muttering once in a while. Muttering what, no one knows due to her quiet voice. She often sent ‘soul-penetrating stares’ to those who interrupted her while she was amidst her imaginations, as described by the other orphans.

Later, when she turned 5, a pair of unfamiliar adults arrived at the orphanage. The kids crowded around them, hoping they would be taken away to a new home. However, to Jin Ae, the woman seemed to be searching for someone, instead of choosing. The man, stood there stiffly, as thought he was her bodyguard. The female was here to find edens, the male was to protect her. This was unknown to the people. The lady’s gaze lingered on Jin Ae much longer than those normal, human children. The owner immediately recognized what she was thinking and carried out the proper procedure for adoption. Trailing behind the couple’s back, Jin Ae had already burnt a hole in their backs, not literally. After a long ride in the stuffy car, she was brought to a new family.

Her family is renowned and powerful. All of the members were edens, respectable ones included. More qualified to raise Jin Ae than other families. Within in the family, strictness is expected. Though there were two who were not as elegant as the others. Those two pulled Jin Ae out of her quietness and moulded her personality into what it is now. It was pretty hard work, seeing how she was always cleverly avoiding them. But, in the end, they accomplished their mission.

The time when she discovered she powers was just when she turned 15 (real age). When she confided her power to her family, they knew it was time. Each and everyone displayed his/her gift for her to see. Never in her life did she believe of supernatural gifts. Her parents became her tutors. Since then, she has been learning more and more about her powers, edens. Like every other edenfamily, enrollment to an academy especially for edens was a must. That’s why Jin Ae was enrolled by this ‘awesome, great and awesome’ academy, as stated by an ex-academy-student relative.



-          Food | spaghetti, chicken, cheesecake, cookies-and-cream ice cream, strawberries

-          Beverages | ice lemon tea, hot chocolate, green tea

-          Music | Vocaloid (J-Pop), Big Bang, classical music

-          Books | fantasy, action, romance , mystery(genres)

-          Entertainment | animes, mangas

-          Artistic | photography, sketching, drawing

-          Animals | kittens, bunnies, birds, wolves



-          Personalities | sarcastic, betrayers

-          Genres | horror

-          Weather | Summer, heat

-          Food | kimchi, seafood, instant-made food

-          Animals | snails, worms, cockroaches

-          Environments | dark, stuffy, messy

-          Toys | clowns, puppets

-          School | History, Geography



-          Daydreaming

-          Sleeping

-          Drawing

-          Listening to music

-          Solving puzzles > such as sudoku or crossword

-          Collecting money > foreign money of different money values



-          Saying ‘itadakimasu!’ before eating. Itadakimasu means thank you for the food in Japanese

-          Rubbing her fingers on jackets or any other fabrics

-          Stares at something else other than the speaker when she doesn’t want to listen

-          Chewing on straws after drinking the beverage

-          Waits for others to start first before she follows



- Her ideal type consists of the following traits: capable of protecting her, a bit obsessive, understanding and trustworthy. If he is missing out on one or two characteristics, it’s okay as long as he ‘accepts me for who I am’ as mentioned by her.


- She is the master of three kittens. The first kitten, Tegah (pronounced TEE-gah) is a Mainecoon. The second kitten, Rawba (pronounced RAWR-bah) is a Siamese. The last kittern, Himei (pronounced hi-MEH-ee), is an Abyssinian.


- This bracelet of hers has never left her right wrist since the time she left the orphanage. It was also the time where the owner returned it to her, saying ‘This bracelet is yours to keep. It was placed on top of your tiny little body when I first saw you.


- Like the rest of her adopted family members, she got a tattoo done on her back.


 its your time

imagination is magical | The imaginative type of powers is very, very rare in edens. It causes a lot of damage effectively, but requires strictness while wielding. This ability allows the user to create anything from imaginations – objects, people, a new world. With enough training, it is even possible to bring a fictional character to life! These animated imaginations will then move according to what the user is currently imagining. If the user imagines them dying, they die. If she imagines a fictional character, that animated being will have the powers or abilites Jin Ae has in mind for it.

gaze into the souls | It enables the user to see inside the souls of others. ‘Soul: A person’s moral or emotional nature or sense of identity.’ The user will be capable of sensing the person’s feelings and understand them. However, he/she will not fully sense or understand feelings. On occasions, especially when the feeling is strong, the user will be able to sense them, even when they hide it.


symbol: choosemeee! | It is highly similar to a bird, a dove to be exact. With its wings in the air, it seems as though the dove is flying. Elegance can be seen in the symbol, the feathers and tails beautifully imprinted. Jin Ae thinks that there is a reason behind this symbol. Why this instead of other objects or shapes? She believes it is because imagination is endless, so is the sky. Birds are the ones who travel and fly through the sky, it can fly as high or as low as it wants. Likewise, one can imagine new never-seen-or-thought-before imaginations, or just imagine about their lives. Why a dove? Many thought of a dove as a soul released from the body. It was the perfect symbol for her ‘soul-gazing’ abilities.


imagination is magical | No user has ever gotten total control of such ability, not to mention Jin Ae; hence the imaginations tend to go haywire. Animations may just suddenly attack their allies, or they may just suddenly go into a live-or-die war amongst each other. It all really depends on what the user is imagining. To cease the creations, one just has to knock the user out. Also, whatever she imagines cannot apply to living people.

gaze into the souls | To fully sense and understand others’ feelings, the user has to sacrifice a lot of energy. It is very difficult to do so. There are chances of using up a large amount of energy but cannot use the power to the fullest.



battle | Long-range fighting in battles are best for her. Since she uses imaginations to create her ‘soldiers’, she relies on them to fight for her. Animating thoughts into real life is no problem for her, she can do as many as she wants. Sometimes, she uses them as back-ups as a prevention for any of her friends getting hurt fatally.


advisory | She takes on the role as an advisor for plans during battle. When a plan has been thought of, allow Jin Ae to review it. Since she is a perfectionist and thoughtful, she helps strengthen strategies by covering up loopholes.



- As mentioned before, her powers cease to work once she is unconscious. Thus, one can easily stop her by knocking her out cold.



earrings | The purpose of creating the pair of earrings is to keep others’ powers. When either one receives hits from the supernatural gift of another eden, it will keep the power. The pros? She has two earrings so she can store two different powers, also the powers can be kept in there for as long as eternity. The cons? She can only utilize 70% of the original power.

ring | It can sense the overall health of the holder. When it notices that its holder is about to pass out from violent ways, it immediately sends a mental message to random friends. The message will include 20 seconds of thoughts before the holder passes out.


 love in the air


-          Jung Daehyun (B.A.P)

-          Moon Jongup (B.A.P)

-          Oh Sehun (EXO-K)

his/her personality:
range of collections | Whatever he fancies, he buys a collection of them, the only difference being their colours and pattern. An example is his fedora hats. He has around six of them, same design but different colours. Due to this habit of his, his room consists of many collections – ranging from toys to models, clothes to accessories.

this is mine, and mine only | If he was an animal, he could’ve been a cougar, seeing how territorial he will be. However, in real life, he is just very possessive. Whatever belongs to him can rarely be given to anyone. He will fight to get back what was stolen from him. Not very willing to lend items in his possession to others, he is the one person you shouldn’t even bother to ask.

temperature negative | His role is the cold prince. As one can easily guess, his personality consists of the traits heartless, silent, and emotionless. He doesn’t give a care about others, much less their feelings. All he minds is his life. His friends get at least some care from him, though it is not obvious. He chooses the option of being quiet and using body motions instead of talking.

delete the persona | Successfully breaking down the steel wall around his heart, will earn you knowledge of his real feelings. He is actually a really caring and understanding gentleman; he just chooses not to show it. To his cherished ones, he will display care and concern, privately. Capable of understanding others easily, he often knows what are the motives and feelings of people.


how did you meetShe had just joined Eden Academy as a new student. In the midst of exploring the new school after lessons were over, she found the perfect place to daydream – the rooftop. It gave one  a magnificent scenery of a forest in one direction, and a beautiful view of the academy in the other. Coupled with a few glorious plants and elegant benches, she decided it would be the place here she could spent time being in her own world on the spot.

However, she had no idea that the particular spot belonged to Daehyun. She did not know. And since she was always only appearing there after school, no one told her. Since the first step she took into the rooftop, he had already kept an eye on her. He annoyed after being distracted from his book and because she was intruding on his territory. Oddly, he didn’t feel like chasing her away, more of wanting her presence to be there. From that time onwards, she never failed to be there, and he never failed to watch her.

Days passed before he finally stepped forward. His sudden and silent appearance, similar to an owl, frightened her considerably. He had been amused at her behaviour while at the rooftop – silent and eyes just taking in the clouds. Introducing himself, he added the question of sharing the rooftop between both of them. She agreed without any condition. That was how their friendship was formed.


your relationshipThey have become quite comfortable around each other, seeing how much time they spend at the rooftop. Instead of talking, the two just enjoy each other’s presence in silence. Both understand the other greatly, able to tell what the other is feeling just from body movements. It’s a really surprising accomplishment. Sometimes, they do communicate. Though they just greet and ask ‘How are you today?’, then appreciate the silence coming after the answer.


his/her powers:
remove anything | To put it simply, he has an outstanding ability of creating a vacuum. Whatever the object or living thing, it will get into a space completely devoid of matter. That thing will then remain in the void for eternity, never being able to get pulled out into the world.

gate for moving easily | It is a way of teleportation named spacial teleportation. With this power, the user is able to teleport both people and objects. How does it work? Firstly, the user emits a black orb from his/her body. The user can then open another black orb in a different location, thus creating a spacial link. It is definitely useful for moving to a far place effectively.

his/her symbol:nootherlink!


 Relationship Status


Im Hyung Jae | 48; 231 (human; real) | Father | Gravity Nullification | He is the strictest of the family. Rarely will one see his stern face slip. He expects perfection, though near perfection is understandable as long as there is a good reason. When one removes the commander-like personality of his, one will know that he does care for his families.

Miyako Tsukiyomi (given; surname) | 48, 226 (human; real) | Mother | Molecular Manipulation | She is the disciplinary nanny in the house. Instead of excellent academic grades, she trains her children to have excellent manners. She wants her kids to have manners as good as royalty, or even better. However, she still takes on the role as a mother. She shows her care and concern much more often then her husband.


Ikuto Im Jae Hwa | 20; 198 (human; real) | Brother | Induced Hallucination | Without his parents’ presence, he is a really fun guy to be around. With quick wits and full of humor, he is definitely the one guy to chase. Moreover, he displays gentleman traits while treating others. With his parents nearby, he takes on the role as a good-mannered and intelligent brother.


Misaki Im Jung Hye | 18; 177 (human; real) | Sister | Remote Spontaneous Combustion | She has loads of energy to spare, since she is a very hyper female. Thus, the competitions she participates in always provides her at least a bronze medal. Her thoughtfulness and kindness earn her many friends. Similar to her brother, she becomes a well-mannered girl.


Yoon Ho Jun | 19; 74 (human, real) | Good friends | Physical Item Copying | He has a hobby of pranking others, finding it really fun. Hence, many dislike him. They do not know that pranking is a proof that he trusts that person. So actually, he trusts almost all of his classmates. He can be considered a bit gullible. Fortunately, he knows how to defend himself if he gets into trouble because of his naiveness.

Shin Kyung Mi | 18, 71 (human, real) | Good friends | Animal Possession | The title of ‘Gossip Queen’ has been awarded to her. As one can guess from the title, she gossips the most within the academy population. Armed with several gossips ranging from lifestyle to clothes and food to students, she is one girl you do not want to mess with. Only if you’re an enemy in her eyes, will you get gossiped about.


best friends:
Hwang 'Abigail' Hyo Rin | 17; 69 (human, real) | Classmates | Sound Resonance Manipulation | Her maturity is more than those of students her age. That’s the reason why she acts as a mother in her circle of friends. Understanding and wise, she also acts as an advisor for others. Classmates approach her for advice, is they do not want to go to a real counselor.


Bae Suzy (Miss A) | 18; 70 (human, real) | Friendly Competition for Results | Atmospheric Pressure Operation | Simply put, she has a very 4D personality. Her way of thinking is very hard to understand as it is very uncommon. Her reactions are different from others, so is her interpretations. However, her goal is to get the best results. Currently, she is holding onto the 2nd best academic grades. The 1st, being Jin Ae.


 Goodbye Baby



extraIf you don’t know what some powers are or don’t understand some parts, feel free to PM me. :)


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