Me and my Ex-Crushes

Part 1:

So yesterday was maths tuition yay!! NOT. Anyways my class we were havong a game that we were pair up they give us a model and we have to figure out the question.So it is like make your own questions following the model. I was pair up with this girl so we did the questions blah blah. So I was number 4 with the girl so I had to write the question on the board for the class to see.So I went and write then my ex-crush turn best friend he also went to write his team question. But the weird thing was that I was wearing pink and he was blue jackets. So I have sharp ears I heard my friend saying that "Eh! they wearing blue and pink they can become couple lol!" Thats what my friend say. Me and Him were like WTF?! what does it to do with what we were wearing. Then I heard his ex-gf saying that "No lah they are not fit for each other"" I was WTF?! 

Part 2:

We work in pairs again but this time is Boys vs. Girls so I was pair up with my ex-crush again as in like I when the pair number is called taht pair has to to the front and shoe their work problems. BUT this happen to me but this was with my other ex-crush. Who was also wearing blue.


So thats the story.

Btw the girl is not really my friend she is like one time she saw a guy then the next she will like another guy so its a bit irratating. Like cheating and she is cheating on her bf because there was one guy that has to sit besdise me during Science tuiton and she was like OMG!! The guys is HOT!!! and I was like WTF?!

anyways thanks for reading my story 




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