
i have a friend and she is on facebook. than she told me that she chat with a random guy who she never saw in real life. i told her that she should be careful. who knows maybe he is dangerous or or a pedo or worse. anyways. and now she is telling me that she is in a relationship with him. a lond distance relationship (hehehehe like in my story ^^) since one month and guess when she start to chat with him..............since ONE MONTH!!!. not that i'm not happy for her that she have a "boyfriend" but she don't even know him. i have read some chatts from them and you know what..... he is a ERT he right stuff like " you're so hot and i wanna bang you tonight" I WANNA BANG YOU.....*no comment*......i ask her why she like him so much, she said that she love his character and the kind he write. than i ask how his character is like, and do you know what she said " he's funny and ert and i LIKE IT VERY MUCH" .......*again no comment*..... i don't know what i should do. when i tell her that she shouldn't do that she might don't want to be my friend anymore and when i don't tell her she might get in danger.

what would you do i this situation i'm very helpless. so please~~~~~ help me and write a comment


oh and i have update a new chapter hope you guys like it :-)


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