Garden of Addiction...

My ate (unnie) is.





In my previous blog post, I have said that my ate stole the computer away from me while I was writing...and she played Garden of Times...

and she got addicted...

and now, she even talks in her sleep! LOL

Just a while ago, my sis woke up and saw that I was using the computer...

Ate: Lei, buy me a garden bench (I'm not sure exactly what she's asking me to buy), I need two garden benches, buy those two for me.

Me: Eta! (this is what I call her) I don't know where that is...eta?

And then, I heard her...snoring...


My sis is really like this, when she gets addicted to a particular game. haha

I just wanted to share this to you. Though you guys probably don't care. lol

And then, just now, she woke up...

Me: Eta, you asked me to buy something from Gardens of bench? Or what was it?

Eta: (with eyes wide opened) I did? (Laughs excesively loud) Don't buy it! I have LOTS of garden benches!

Eta...I now forgive you for ruining the time I had, as I was writing my fanfic...because you made me laugh. XD

btw, my sisters are really like this....always sleep talking. you could even have conversations with them, while they sleep! LOL

Share share share!!! :D

-Lei :D


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