please read and tell me what you think~~ ;)


i write this just for fun~~ please tell me what you think~~ maybe i will write a story out of this after i finish the old one~~ :) 


Missing you

Standing here every day wondering will I 

have a chance to get to know him,


When will  I have a chance to talk to him,

to laugh at his jokes,


But I’m no one, to him I’m just a stranger. 

I don’t even know his name but I fell for



Isn’t it weird what love can do?


I don’t know anything about him but I feel

like I have known him for years that I

could fell for him,


Every day I would come here just so that I

can see his face, his smile.


I f I didn’t see him for a day, I could go



Does missing someone means I’m in love?

If that so, then love really hurts.


Because I can’t even tell him how I feel,

how much I miss him.


How can a stranger tells another stranger

that she miss him?


He would say she’s crazy or think she’s a



I tried to forget this feeling because I don’t

want to get hurt anymore.


My heart have shattered so many times

because of this feeling,


I can’t let it happen all over again.

You know, because of love, people would 

do anything.


Same goes for me, maybe love is really

blind, or maybe love is crazy, because

that’s what I’m becoming right now.


I can’t seem to get him out of my mind.

I’m always thinking about him, his laugh,

his smile, everything.

Yesterday I got an offer to work in the city

so I decided it’s the best way for me to

forget him and this feeling,


Today is the day I’ll be moving and I want

to see his face for one last time.


As I was walking by just to get a glimpse

of him, I can’t see him anywhere.


I was disappointed, I wish I can see him

before I go but it’s just not my luck.


As I’m walking away, someone is blocking

my way.


When I look up I see.....HIM...


And he said to me with a smile “Hi my

name is _____”


Is this a start of a new friendship or a love



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@iefa: hahaha maybe yes maybe not~~ LOL eh??who?? shhhhhhhh its suppose to be a secret~~ :P
I like it cause I feel you pour all your heart through this message.. and I kinda feel like I know who you talking about? O.O LOL!
LOL i'll consider the offer~~ i'll tell you when i'm gonna write this okay~~ ;P
Ya! Unnie.. If I can say.. I'll be your co-author if you want.. Love this storyline! XD
hahaha~~well i changed it a little~~to make it more poetic?? LOL
Hahha~<br />
Is dat so?<br />
LOL<br />
But I think u shud post it up with "Based on a true feeling"<br />
@ijjimaseyo_07: LOL i think you have to wait for a loooonnnggg time~~ i need ti finish the old one first~~ :P
ijjimaseyo_07 #8
unnie it's awesome!! ... ^____^ i'll wait for it..
hahaha~~maybe i dont know yet..i need to finish the old one first~~
It is good. <br />
Well, I have some feeling dat ya wrote it with so much feel on it.<br />
:D<br />
Is it ur next story?<br />
@monyet: LOL is it good?? its kinda what im feeling too~~ LOL<br />
@noona: thanks!!glad you like it!! ;)
wow.. it's nice ^^<br />
i like it.. ^^
Unnie~!! Nice~!! I like it.. ^^b<br />
"Every day I would come here just so that I can see his face, his smile." <br />
That phrase same like what goes with me before.. >.<
LOL really?? i dont know if this would be a story... need to finish my old one first~~ :P