Broken Story~

So my friend "Maggie2266" recently video chatted and we decided to do a broken story (which is a game of what we made up. for instance, I start off the first line of the story, she starts the next. This pattern goes on and on until the story ends) at 2AM. ^^ Laura= Me and Maggie= Her.

Laura: Once upon a time,

Maggie: There was a dog,

Laura: Whom liked to eat jellybeans

Maggie: And drank rainbows.

Laura: One day, he decided that rainbow juice wasn't enough.

Maggie: So he set off into the world to search for

Laura: The best drink in the universe.

Maggie: He stopped in South America

Laura: And drank lion piss.

Maggie: He decided it was very bitter and not drink anymore.

Laura: Soon he came across a very beautiful nemo fish

Maggie: But he's a dog, named cat.

Laura: Soon he went into another country.

Maggie: He went into the country of Europe and met a cat statue.

Laura: Underneath that cat statue he found pigeon poop

Maggie: and decided to eat it.

Laura: Because of the chemicals in the pigeon poop it had burned his tongue

Maggie: So, he ran to find a fountain and the closest one was filled with chilli flavoured water.

Laura: He lapped all up, and noticed it was far delicious from rainbow juice.

Maggie: At that moment he craved for rainbow juice.

Laura: And went back home to his homeland and drank all what he could.

Maggie:Still not satisfied he flew to Russia and found exotic unicorn juice.

Laura: He tasted a drop, and fainted, and died.

Maggie: The end.



So, I have a challenge for you guys! I want to know what crazy or sad or happy or whatever stories you have with a friend! Tag me and notify me so I may know of this, thank you. ^^



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kkkkk so random but sounds really fun!
This was.....interesting. Make more please!