Do you realize...

Do you realize that half the people on here complaining about other people and saying that they're immature are just as immature as them? I mean come on, you make a blog about it in all caps and exclamation points saying about how you want to go bash them or something because they said one mean thing about you or your story? You're acting a lot younger than them. Sometimes when I see those blog posts, I go and look at the author's other blogs and see that all their blogs are about stupid stuff or about them being really mean to other people. I think the thing that annoys me the most is when people call them "kids" and say that they need to grow up. I'm sorry that not everyone on here is like on here, but you should respect that there ARE kids on here, but you shouldn't act like them if you're going to be calling them immature. Act like the older person.


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