NEWS: Out of the Town till 9

As I have posted in the previous blog post, I will have no update for the rest of the week,
well, until Sunday though since I will miss writing. :D

I will go out of the town for work meeting and return on Saturday evening or so.
I'll make sure to update as soon as possible.

It will be difficult for me to have access like I always do everyday since I don't bring my laptop,
but I will always read update when I'm free via my phone. :D

Have a great week everyone! ^^


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Good luck to you...
inspirit-beauty #2
have a nice work trip! .. we'll wait for u .. t.c :D
alize_sakura #3
awww~ Good luck with your job~ now you know how it feels to work and to have a business trip~ hehehehe~

anyway, will be waiting for your return and your updates~
Have a great week~ ^^
Have a great week also!! ^^v
Thanks for informing us. You have a great week as well, Kyuri! xD

~ FlyingHigh