
Jeon JiRam



The Real You : 


AFF Username : SerriSunny12

AFF Link Profile : http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/74534 


The Character :

Name : Jeon JiRam | 전 지 램

Age :  16

Nicknames : PoohBear, RamJi(Like BoRam, RamBo), Ji

Date of birth : 25 June 1996

Education status : first year

Blood type : A

Weight : 33kg

Height : 149CM

Ethnicity : Pure Korean

Language Spoken : English, Korean, Chinese, Thai, Japanese


Cover Girl : 

Name Ulzzang / idol : Song Ah Ri

Photos :



Name back up ulzzang : Park HyoJin

Photos Back Up ulzzangs :


Your Appearence  

Appearence :

Eye colour: Dark Brown. It turns bright blood red when she gets angry.

Hair colour: often Blonde or Black with red streaks or Light Brown

Hairstyle: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Ta-qbUQVnok/TilgLwV8ucI/AAAAAAAADlY/jO11DKwnkyg/s1600/t-ara+boram+selca.jpg 



Style :







Girl personality : The prankster or The Troublemaker

Personalities : She has a cold attitude but once you know her, get ready to be her prank victim! Her pranks always send her to the principal's office almost all the time. Unlijke her sisters, all she causes is trouble. This disappoints her parents as the expect her to be more polite. She doesn't give anyone respect. She is very blunt to everyone so she doesn't expect anyone to give her respect either. She is always cool and collected in every situatuion and doesn't panic easily. Her secrets are the main cause of her worries which explains her  pokerface and glum mood when alone. She is also very shy to sing and dance in public, just like her oldest sister, Boram. She has a short and a very hot temper like her mother, Boram and Jiyoon. Its part of their Alice. Never mess with them.

She's a great fighter too, much to other people's surprise. She is very good at fighting verbally and physically. That is why you should never ever mess with her. Of course, despite her image, she dresses very nicely with her trademark jean shorts or jean skirt with tights and a loose shirt(butterfly style). Her hair is often seen untied or in  the apple hairstyle. She has a long fringe that covers her eyes which give you the chic feel whenever it covers her eyes. She is also of course very cold and uncaring towards rude people. She also has a childish side to her. She loves Stitch and Winnie The Pooh alot. And yes, she is a shikshin just like one of her sister! She can also be quiet, especially during lesson time. Unlike others, she has an interest in insects. She has a huge love for rollercoasters and animals especially cats. She hates telling others her secrets and keeps to herself.

Likes : -Dancing




-Listening to music

Dislikes : -Rude people

-Animal abuse

-Pink ><

-Girly stuff

-Scaredy cats

Habits : -She always calls her sisters whenever she is free as she has 4 sisters.

-She listens to music when she's bored.

-Never completes homework.

-She uses her acting skills to help get her out of sticky situations and when people ask her about her pranks.

Hobies : -Twitting



-Visiting her family as much as she can

Trivia : 

-Her rolemodels are her sisters, Jeon Boram(T-ARA), JiYoon(4Minute), HyoSung(SECRET) and WooRam(going to debut soon)

-She once lived in Bangkok, Thailand, San Jose, California(Where she met Yubin of Wonder Girls), Okinawa, Japan and Busan, South Korea

Favourite : Rooftop gardens, dorm, her house, Han River, Namsan Tower(to admire all the locks. She wants to put one too someday with the person she likes.)

Secret : Her parents have divorced so she gets jealous when she sees happy familes. Her mother recently contracted Skin and Bone Cancer/.



Family members : Jeon Young-Rok || 56 || Singer || Father || strict but kind. A man of little words.

Lee Mi Young || 55 || Actress || Mother || the typical naggy mother everyone has. She has a soft spot for her daughters too.

Jeon BoRam || 27 || Vocalist of T-ARA || Eldest sister || the concerned eldest sister that worries over the tiniest problem her younger sisters have.

Jeon WooRam || 26 || Vocalist of upcoming hip-hop girl group trio || Elder sister || the kind and petite girl that loves dying her hair.

Jeon HyoSung || 22 || Leader, Main Dancer and Lead Vocalist of SECRET || Elder sister || the masterchef of the family that can cook almost everything

Jeon JiYoon || 21 || Lead Vocalist and Lead Rapper of 4Minute || the caring sister that looks out for everyone.

Family Background : JiRam is the maknae of the family. Her parents divorced when she was 9 years old. Her mother contracted skin and bone cancer on the day of her debut. This took a big effect on her so whenever she is free, she gathers up her sisters that are also free to visit both their parents. She grew up in many different places as she followed her mother as she does musical acting too. Because of the big age difference she has with her sisters, many question her if she was adopted. This disturbs her alot. Her mother, Boram and JiYoon has Fire Manipulation while her father, WooRam and HyoSung has Water/Ice Manipulation.

Friends : Sohee || 19 || Main Dancer of Wonder Girls || Best friends || cold but nice just like JiRam.

HyunA || 20 || Main Dancer and Main Rapper of 4minute || Best friends || filled with a great sense of humour, JiRam is always happy around HyunA.

Soyou || 20 || Lead vocalist of SISTAR || Best friends || she gave JiRam the confidence to sing and dance.

All of T-ARA || Best friends || caring and concerned towards JiRam.

IU || 20 || Soloist || Best friends || taught JiRam the joy of singing.


How you become friends : JiRam met Sohee at Music Bank when Jiram when there to support her sisters. She met HyunA through Jiyoon. Soyou is JiRam's senior in school. Jiyeon intriduced IU to JiRam to boost her confidence and overcome her shyness.


I Got The Power!

Your Alice : Fire/Teeth manipulation

Alice type : Dangerous, attack.

Background : She got it from her mother. Boram and Jiyoon also have that Alice. This explains their hot tempered attitude. Her father, WooRam and HyoSung, however, have Ice/Water Manipulation. That is why they are very calm and don't get mad easily. Because of her Alice, JiRam can be a real hot devil(No kidding!) Her eyes that turn bright blood red in contrast to her pale milky skin scares everyone the most. With the power to control and make fire, she uses it pretty well. JiRam can raise temperatures to the hottest points. She has fireproof skin and can change her teeth into sharp fangs if she wanted to. Her main choice of attacking is creating flames and whipping them out and breathing a huge stream of flame. She collects kinetic energy and atoms for a power boost. JiRam can completely turn into raging flames and create firestorms. Do not anger her. Her flames can turn to hellfire. Hell fire can only be put out by holy water. When delivering kicks and punches, her limbs are usually surrounded by fire.

Your character knowledge : She doesn't learn from textbooks. She is pretty much better at general knowledge and rarely studies.

Subject you master : Music, History, Geography and Literature


Bring The Boys Out 

Love interest : Zelo BAP

Lover Boy : Ren NUEST

Relationship : They are best friends since young. They are always seen fooling around together. JiRam has never had feelings for him before until she realises how much he meant to her. Now in high school because of his status as a Kingka(JiRam isn't a Queenka), they can never talk to each other in school. This makes their friendship go down the drain. This is what makes Jiram upset most of the time especially when she sees him with another girl, laughing together. This made her realise that she actually like him since a long time ago. Due to their close relationship in the past, they have the same class schedules, sit together in every class and they are also neighbours.

How did you met ? : They have been neighbours since forever.

His personality :  He was a very fun person to be with. Jiram was always happy around Zelo until they stopped being friends. HyunA now is the one that always makes her happy. They would play together and fool around alot. Until on the first day of high school he became a kingka. JiRam was so upset and she cried alot back then. With the help of her sister, Boram, she grew to be stronger and always gave him the cold look and cold shoulder. Either that or she would glance at him from afar and when he looks, her eyes are usually red, not with anger, but due to crying alot and shows her hurt expression.


Status : Him

Back up lover : Ren NUEST

Relationship : She only treats him as a friend. He only likes her as a mere crush and nothing else.

His personality : Very shy towards her. She could tell he likes her so she asks him and felt very guilty when he said he likes her because she doesn't feel the same so he tries to make her fall for him.

Status : him


Desire Plot : Zelo would realise that he still cares for Jiram and tries to patch up with her but you know, Jiram isn't as easy to get or convince as she was before.


I Hate You

Rival : Must I have one?? Maybe in the later part of the story if I see someone I don't I will tell you.

Why you were rival? : Same

How you were rival? : Same


Boom Shakalaka! 

Comment | Sugestion | request : 

Comment: FINALLY DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope its nice:)

What do you want to happen is this fic? : JiRam and Zelo = Argue?

Breakfast : Roti Prata!!!!! :D



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