Update 3

Hey My Dear PPL, 

I has been busy with school stuff the last past month due to school work, exam and my other personal activity. Finally I had two weeks of break. So here is the good new, I am going to update two chap on SM Love Story. The bad new is that Survivor will put on hold for a long time as my friend is busy and I had no idea what to do with it. So will put on hold until further notice. So I am thinking of writing a fanfics on the palace life. The main lead is Min Ho and talk about he being the king. So maybe having it as a period fics or just the modern twist like "Princess Hour". But now, only thinking but no plan is make. Maybe the idea pop out when I was watching the drama "Dong Yi". Weird. Just anyway, I will be writing one chap on SM love story tomorrow. Now let me watch Dong Yi and write 'Friend With No String Attached". See you guy soon. 

From: Minho Lover and Yoona's rival (Just kidding), leminho23. 
Peace out


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