Suho OPPA's questions:
1)How old AH yewww?? -Paedoquestion -.-" THIS QUESTION AGAIN?! NOOOOO! >_< LOL! I'm 17 --"
2)From 1-10,how much of a troll are you?  uhh.. 7? :3
3)Are you pessimistic or optimistic? optimistic!! OuO
4)Hi,do I know you? If not,Y U NO LEAVE A POST ON MAH WALL? ...troll mianhae~ Of course I know you, you my OPPA! /clings to you/ :D
5)Who are you roleplaying as? O__o do i really need to answer this? XD
6)Care describing yourself in one sentence? I am a lazy girl but forgets that I am just for you guys. CHEESY! :D
7)Frenchfries or chips? FRENCH*nFRIES!!!!!! <3
8)Who's your ideal type? In words or as idols. KANG MINHYUK's LOOKS and drum skills and CHANGJO's chubby cheeks and dance moves <3
9)Amuse me.  uh. I'm lazy, remember? :p fine, fine /break dances/ XD
10)Disappoint me. Uhhmm. my brain is malfunctioning. I dunno how :pp
Lee Jonghyun's Questions:
01| Who is your ultimate bias? CHOI JONGHYUN/Minhyuk
02| What was the first song that got you into Korean-Pop? Teen Top's Supa Luv <3 <3 <3
03| Am I weird? yes. :pp but weird is interesting :)
04| Describe your personality / character.  optimistic :)) annoying. loves to make people happy! \(^o^)/
05| How old are you, or rather, how young are you in Real Life? I am 17 years YOUNG :p
06| Do you have any social networking accounts outside AFF? Seriously? :p
07| Who was the first group that caught your eye? Teen Top :)
08| Do you hate school? no. I hate the assignments, exams and projects. 
09| What is your favourite group that debuted from 2007 - 2011? Teen Top.
10| What do you think of CNBLUE? They are.. Different :) 
11| Do you like being lonely? Sometimes
That's all. GAWWD. Tis made me even more sleepy. I dunno
if I can still talk to you guys. I look like  a panda now.
Oh these black circles around my eyes @.@



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