I feel sorry for my parents.

They’re getting older & weaker, day by day. Yet they still manage to stay strong. Here they are going to work just so I can have food to eat, clothes to wear, a roof over my head, even just to buy me unnecessary things. Then comes me; talking back, not being thankful for everything they’ve done for me, yelling at them, being impolite, etc. I admit, I do feel bad but sometimes I cant help it. I just wish there was a way I could be more “respectful” to them.


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all u have to do.. is make them happy

yeah it can b hard sometimes n we all loose our temper

but we must make an effort to change in a way that it doesn't hurt

and trust u probably already know that's not easy

parents have their role in life and once they r done they'll never come back

i wrote a poem about it

but no matter how much i hurt my parents i've noticed that when i realise n come back crying 4 forgiveness they are more than willing 2 forgive

we r so fortunate...n we don't even relise sometimes but when it comes around... it come around 10 times hard

i live with my grandparents which means i only see my parents once/ twice a week

and trust me u may get fed up of them n get angry with them

but if u move away from them u see how much they mean 2 u...

it's hard... but it's life n we gotta live it...

//well there i go blabbering on 4give me for any grammar mistakes :]//

MTE. You need an award for this post.
I know this feeling.
I really love them,
But i can't express it.

i tend to disrespect them.