Aishh.. i'm so stupid! >.

You know a while ago my brother told me that he wants to eat noodles so i went to the kitchen and cook noodles i was like loosing my patience to wait the noodles 'cauz i'm excited to read that what i leave to read here in aff so i said i will just come back 

60 minutes past....








80 minutes past..

And i can smell yummy noodles.. I thought that our nieghborhood is cooking so i let the smell....









90 minutes past....

I'm smelling burn food and it's a little bit smookey in the room..I decided to go out when i go out...

It's so smookey and i follow where that smoke is going and it brings me to the noodles...

I was Shouting like crazy a while ago i turn of the stove and i look at the burn noodles I was thinking negative 'cauz i'm scared to hear my moms nag so i made my own plan ahaha... i open the ceiling fan, electric fan and i open the doors and windows at the house.LoL

I admit that it take me hours to clean that black something..  in the pan..





After one hour of cleaning the pan...

But hey it was shining now! wink









My hands are aching and my legs, And i was sweating like there's no more tom. And my hair is so messy that i look like zombie when i get to the room to get some clothes of mine and towel so i could refresh my self...

Clumsy me i will still tell this to my mom.LoL

I'm gonna ready now my ears for the long nag.xD



























& I learn A Very IMPORTANT lesson! wink



THanks for reading even though it's not interesting! -_-


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XxJinyoungxBiasedxX #1
XDDDDDD I did the same thing with popcorn when I was younger....I was confused...the button on the microwave said "popcorn" but the bag of popcorn said "DONT USE THE POPCORN BUTTON ON YOUR MICROWAVE!" So I listened to the bag and put that time....smoke....everywhere, my mom was on her way home from the store...she said in the car she could smell burnt popcorn all the way down the street! > <"
lol XD dat's clumsy!
but me too! yesterday my friends n I went to mall n tried some perfume, n..
I hit a bottle of perfume accidentally but that bottle hit the others just like playing bowling -_-
luckily, the shopkeeper wasn't there
so I left secretly n innocently,haha,my bad -_-
*wiggles eyebrows*