My Answers!^^

What's your favorite shipper?

Um, well....I love both JongKey and 2min, but I'd say 2min.


Okay okay, um, why don't you ever call me! D: I freaking miss you!! 

Prima, porfavor XD Te llamo cuando pueda, okay? XOXO :D


This questions are from my friends that just couldn't stop nagging me about! DX


If you had to choose between Jonghyun and Taemin, who would you have with and why?

(Why would she asked that?! OMG! DX)

Taemin, duh! Because I love him the most, also I would never get with a guy that's like over twenty, no matter how hot he is, and trust me Jonghyun is very hot XD


Let's say you're Taemin's noona, and you're his teacher in school, would you give him special treatment just because he's from SHINee?

No. Even if I love him with all my heart, and my room is filled with his face XD I wouldn't give him special treatment. Favorism to a only one student isn't right.


We know you loved Minho before Taemin, what changed your mind?

Taemin's aegyo XD


Have you ever dreamt about Taemin or any other SHINee members?

OMO! YES!!! Twice though, one with Jonghyun, Minho and Key, and the other one with just Taemin x)


Why is Jonghyun your third favorite?

I don't know, I would have made him my first, but Taemin totally won my heart XD


How did you find out about SHINee?

Through a , this people kept talking about SHINee in the video's comment thingy since it was the vid's background music but it was in spanish, so I felt like I should check it out and find out what's all the fuzz about this SHINee group.


What was the first song you heard from them?



Well, that's all! HAHA! My friends wrote like fifty questions on three papers, but I'm only sharing the ones that seemed more appropiate XD


Thank you for taking the time to read this^^


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Girl u crazy! I would choose to have with jonghyun anyyyyyy day!!!